Exercise I: Chain of Sorrow
The WonderCerradoLand is a series of artworks focusing on the theme of Brazilian Cerrado, aiming to provoke environmental and social awareness, using the Cerrado biome as a nourishing soil for this discussion.
An amusement park/recreational politics
“The WonderCerradoLand: harvest with us!” is an installation that aims to create an immersive space where the public can experience the uncomfortable stages of exploitation that the Brazilian soil and culture has been facing since the Portuguese invasion.
The experience
To see
First, a visual exploitation coming from the long-term colonization that led to a exoticizing gaze towards our everyday Brazilian lives.
To feel
Then, the land exploitation that broke our sense of belonging to earth and it’s now being represented by devastation and monoculture.
To act
In the end, the visitors find themselves in the role of tourists, getting three options after the “amusement”:
1. “Buy” the souvenir of this experience: the traditional contemporary Brazilian good (soy or sugar cane)
2. Take an action and send a postcard to someone that was not able to visit the installation. The postcard will contain a link for those who want to learn about Cerrado.
3. Ignore and leave unnoticed
The piece is inspired in amusement parks experiences, where one usually has the first contact with the toy during the line, where an introduction video or audio is shown, followed by the actual “ride”. In the end, the public is led to a merch spot related to the presented characters.
Bourdieu, Pierre. Distinction. 1984.
Hersh, Eitan. Politics Is for Power. Scribner, 2020.