GMU:Winning natural habitats/Albina Akhmedova

From Medien Wiki

Idea: A short documentary film, which explores the biodiversity of a self-constructed pond. The documentary highlights various species of plants and insects, microorganisms in their habitat.

Tech solution: To bring this concept to life, a combination of cinematography techniques and microscopy techniques to capture high-resolution footage of microalgae in their natural habitats will be used. As editing software will be used adobe aftereffects or sony vegas. + biolab, microscope, camera


Pond biodiversity

Location: Weimar, Campus Garden, pond

Date: 23.06.2024

Lepadella ovalis rotifer infested by parasites from pond water (23.06.24)

Lepadella rotifers, along with other microorganisms, participate in breaking down fish feces and leftover food, thereby contributing to water purification. Interesting about these microscopic animals: some rotifers are capable of entering into extended cryptobiosis and can remain in this state for thousands of years.

Nostoc, thread-like colony of cells from pond water (23.06.24)

They play a very important role locally in protecting soils against wind and water erosion and dehydration.

Samples 23.05.2024

storm water

low water sample was contaminated

deep water