GMU:Synthetic Biology/dimma

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Driving at night is sometimes really difficult and makes you nervous? Especially when you are nightblind or blinded because you are wearing glasses.

Dimma a new product from your synbio supermarket can help to abolish your fear of darkness by instructing your eye with DNA! Taken from different snake types, which are biologically able to see a combined picture build of optical landscapes and heat images, the DNA for Dimma makes it possible to see even the smallest stone in the night via genetical infrared technique.

To make dimma simply usable, the snake DNA got binded in our optical labratories in a special lens form, so you can apply dimma to your eyes almost like a normal contact lense. But there is no nee to remove and clean your lenses everyday anymore, because dimma melts seamless together with your iris only a few seconds after the application. Just like an eye fluid!