Jan Schepanski

From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 07:53, 8 December 2010 by Sufu7194 (talk | contribs)

Goals & Non-Goals


  • make use of todays technology (higher resolutions and color depth, more memory, faster prozessors, gpu-processing) and interface elements such as drag 'n drop, (multi)touch
  • forget everything about tabs, bookmarks and history


  • do minor enhancements to the old interface
  • build on top of outdated ideas


Image there is a desktop. F

Some basics


  • Toolwindows make no sense. No one needs extra windows so they should be inside the browser.
  • Toolwindows could be some kind of app. So lets redefine:

Window=window.open(,'name','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no, scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500,height=200') could mean: create an "app" which is 500x200 in pixels. This box can be moved around, snapped, dragged, dropped. It doesn't depend on anything. Its just there and doing something. Maybe an online radio, a chat, an calculator.



Googles Web App Store gestartet Firefox 4 Beta 2 - Mit App Tabs und schnellerem Scrollen Mozillas Open Web App Ecosystem macht Fortschritte

Microsoft Pivot

Lifestream – Redesign history and bookmarking – Wei Zhou Firefox Panorama/Tab Candy

The Browser History


Some Images