PDCON:Exhibition/Alexander Senko: Garbage Sound

From Medien Wiki

Garbage Sound

Artist: Alexander Senko, Polina Dronyaeva

Short description: Quotidian sounds of flies, garbage dumping and garbage trucks trigger dual emotions of revolt and deliverance. GARBAGE SOUND is a sound installation which creates a sonic composition extended not in time but in space. The resulting work will only exist in visitors’ minds depending on direction and speed of their movements from one room to another. It is not a simple representation of the garbage dump but rather evoking of emotions connected to quotidian sounds. While we stay neutral and don’t want to attach any additional meanings, we want listeners to contemplate on what these sounds might mean to them. The result will differ from one person to the other. Thus we analyse social construction of meanings in our everyday shared sonic environments. For example somebody is dumping bottles in the middle of the night. God knows what a sad tramp is doing it but the resulting sound can be very cheerful. The flies may sound rhythmical and even energetic but they are always perceived as a symbol of decay. Similarly one can be annoyed by the appearance and noises of garbage trucks, especially when they come to collect garbage in the early morning. But for someone this awful noise may be a signal that life goes on and whatever you throw away there is still someone out there who comes to tidy up after you. The overpowering and methodical noise of the garbage truck is the most obvious expression of the city taking care of its dwellers, of each one of us, and it seems to be symbolical that this noise is heard in the hours, which are statistically considered the most dangerous for suicides. Who knows how many lives it has saved! "Garbage Sound" soundscape stimulates people to re-evaluate meanings of everyday experiences and create their own soundscapes in their imagination.

The soundscape is extended through 3 adjunct rooms. On the premier we had a gallery consisted of rooms situated in circle. Thus the composition which the listeners perceived depended on their direction around the gallery. In the excerpt of the work we tried to demonstrate how would it sound if one moves from the room with flies sounds to the room with garbage dumping sounds via the room with garbage truck sound. The real time programming environment Pd adds instability to the resulting composition which thus relies on interpretive capacity of the listeners.

Kreativfonds Bauhaus-Univeristät WeimarElectronic Arts Blog für digitale SpielkulturThe Mozilla FoundationAllied Vision TechnologiesFreistaat ThüringenBauhaus-Universität WeimarHochschule für Musik Franz Liszt WeimarFraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMTStadt WeimarKlassik Stiftung WeimarNKFaculty of MediaStudio for electro-acoustic MusicKulturTragWerk e.V.Elektronisches Studio der TU BerlinMaschinenraum Hackerspace WeimarRadio Lotte Weimar 

4th international Pure Data Convention 2011 Weimar ~ Berlin