
From Medien Wiki

Lehrperson: Frederic Gmeiner
Bewertung: 6 ECTS, 3 SWS
Termin: Tuesdays, 11:30 until 13:30h
Ort: Marienstraße 7b, Room 105
Erster Termin: 17.04.2012


The Wizard of Oz: Mock-ups & prototyping

Der Prozess des Visualisierens und Dokumentierens von Ideen und Projekten ist großer Bestandteil der künstlerisch-gestalterischen Praxis. Thema des Kurses ist es unterschiedliche Methoden und Techniken des Prototypings vorzustellen und diese anhand von praktischen Übungen auszuprobieren.  Wie lässt sich auch mit einfachen Mitteln eine Idee überzeugend inszenieren? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es um ein Konzept vor der Realisierung zu testen? Warum hilft ein Prototyp bei der Findung einer guten Gestaltung?   Von einfachen “low cost” Methoden, die zum schnellen Entwickeln von Skizzen gedacht sind, bis hin zu aufwendigen Funktionsprototypen und Simulationen wird die Bandbreite der Möglichkeiten und deren jeweilige Vor- und Nachteile erkundet.

English description

In this class we will explore the variety of prototyping methods and techniques as part of the design process. We will look at very simple “low cost” strategies for finding ideas as well as sophisticated rapid prototyping tools with a hands-on approach.


Anmeldung bis zum 10.3.2012 im Sekretariat bei Frau Birnschein in der Marienstrasse 5, Raum 106.


Referat, aktive Teilnahme, Dokumentation, Eintrag im Wiki


  • 17.04. Introduction
  • 24.04. NOTATIONS workshop part 1
  • 08.05. NOTATIONS workshop part 2 & final presentation
  • 15.05. Using stories for design ideas
  • 22.05. Idea swapping, cultural probes
  • 29.05. presentation: Method Cards / IDEO (Tobias Wolf) & start of cultural probes experiment
  • 05.06. results of the cultural probes experiment
  • 12.06. video mockup workshop
  • 19.06. presentation: Design Noir (Lydia Kluge, Jeonghoon Cha) & Prototyping (Sofia Barbosa, Mariana Perfeito, Marisa Martins ) | course evaluation | discussion of video mock up results
  • 26.06. Digital fabrication introduction
  • 03.07. presentation: Paper Prototyping in Game Design (Antje Danz)
  • 10.07. >> Present your project in 3 minutes & preparing materials for summary exhibition


Please fill these subpages with content on a regular basis. This is also important for your evaluation at the end of the semester, since documenting your project is part of this class.



  • Todd Zaki Warfel: Prototyping, Rosenfeld Media, ASIN B004VFUOMY
  • Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby: Design Noir: The Secret Life of Electronic Objects, Birkhäuser, ISBN 978-3764365660
  • Carolyn Snyder: Paper Prototyping: The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1558608702
  • Warren Wake: Design Paradigms: A Sourcebook for Creative Visualization, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0471299766
  • Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 0123740371

Hinweis: Die hier aufgeführte Literatur ist optional und nicht verbindlich!


1. Sensor Boxes

What is a cardboard box with a single sensor?

  • A camera?
  • An instrument?
  • A toy?
  • An antenna?
  • A device for a special situation?
  • A ... ?

EXERCISE: Think of an application for the sensor box and make a photo documentation which shows your box in a real world scenario...'

Distance Sensor


2. Generative Stories

  • A (person) in (place) needs help doing (activity) because (motivation).
  • A (person) in (place) needs help doing (activity) because (motivation) and uses the sensor box to (activity).

EXERCISE: Write two short stories in which your protagonist uses your sensor box in a future world.

Histories by Mariana, Marisa, Sofia

3. Idea swapping & mind maps

Collecting all ideas so far and picking one random of somebody else.


Interactive Mirror:

  • Fashion advise
  • Feedback on time the mirror was used
  • Bodydismorphment disorder (e.g. eating disorder)

Substance recognizer:

  • detecting illegal / poisonous substances
  • electronic sniffer dog

Food consumption advisor:

  • based on symptoms / desease
  • detects poisened food
  • comparing food you ate > making assumptions for cure

Interactive Travel planner:

  • showing information about several places and routes
  • time and distance informations
  • showing POI

Lost things finder:

  • locates important things you lost

Color detection device / application:

  • helping color blind people
  • giving advice on color combintaions (e.g. fashion)

Fitness Motivation Device:

  • tracks data of workout (e.g. frequency and time)
  • personal motivation with direct feedback
  • could be combined with other devices (e.g. fridge)

Ultimate presentation tool:

  • reaching all people around the world immediately
  • speading ideas / getting feedback
  • track peoples reaction

Inflatable Jacket:

  • depending on how close others are > inflates
  • the darker it is, the bigger it gets

darkness detector:

  • creating a map of darkness
  • helping to design better light situations in the city
  • suggesting "save" routes to a user

level measuring glass:

  • a glass measuring the level height of it's liquids
  • for bars:
  • preventing people of drinking too much
  • motivating people to drink more (drinking games)
  • consumption tracking:
  • tracking for a private party who drank how much?

treasure finding device:

  • detecting money or other lost valueable goods

plant growing advisor:

  • measuring the condition of a flower and giving advises

EXERCISE: Make a mindmap for that idea.

Interactive Mirror


Level Measuring Cup

by Marisa Martins, Mariana Perfeito, Sofia Barbosa

Interactive Travel Planner

Mindmap of Interactive Travel Planner

4. Cultural Probes

What could a cultural probes kit contain?

  • questionnaire / diary
  • what questions do you ask?
  • photo / video / sound / etc…
  • what to document? how?
  • how much do you tell the user?

EXERCISE: Make a cultural probes experiment with at least 4 participants

Interactive Travel Planner

by Antje Danz & Tobias Wolf

Level Measuring Cup

by Marisa Martins, Mariana Perfeito, Sofia Barbosa

5. IDEO Method Cards

Grab three method cards and apply the suggested method to your idea

Interactive Travel Planner

File:Cultural Probes Kit.pdf

6. Video Mock Ups

  • Think about a scenario / usecase of your project you would like to visualize as a video mock up.
  • Sketch it as a little storyboard and think about how you would make it.
  • Make the video mock up!
  • Upload it as a YouTube video