
From Medien Wiki

Lecturer: Max Neupert
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Monday, 9:15 until 12:30 h
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: 2012-10-15


Aim of the class is to develop a creative practice within a the digital images of a microscopic world. To achieve this we will hack a USB Webcam to deliver microscopic video. The microscopy stage will be constructed with the help of our rapid prototyping machine GMU:RapMan and simple 3D modeling tools. Lastly video editing and realtime manipulation techniques will be explored and applied.

This course ideal for students who want to explore a broad set of skills and different aspects of technological driven playful artistic research.

Costs of ~30,- € must be paid, you will keep your microscope.

Course language will be English (except everyone speaks German then it will be in German.. obviously).

German description

Ziel des Kurses ist es einen gestalterischen Umgang mit den digitalen Bildern einer mikroskopischen Welt zu entwickeln. Um dies zu erreichen werden wir eine USB Kamera umbauen, so dass diese mikroskopisches Video ausgibt. Die Mikroskop-Bühne wird mit Hilfe unseres 3D Druckers GMU:RapMan und einfachen 3D Modellierungswerkzeugen entwickelt. Um die gestalterischen Projekte umzusetzen werden grundsätzliche Video-Schnitttechniken und Echtzeit Manipulationsmethoden erprobt und angewandt.

Dieser Kurs ist ideal für alle Studenten die in eine breite Auswahl von Fertigkeiten Einblick gewinnen möchten und verschiedene Aspekte einer durch Technologie bestimmten spielerischen künstlerischen Forschung kennen lernen möchten.

Kosten von circa 30,- € müssen bezahlt werden, das Mikroskop ist eures.

Kurssprache ist Englisch (es sei denn alle Teilnehmer verstehen und sprechen Deutsch. Dann ist die Kurssprache natürlich Deutsch).


  • 22.10. Electronics tinkering → Max
  • 29.10. 3D Modelling (with Blender, SketchUp, MeshLab) → Jakob
  • 5.11. 3D Printing GMU:RapMan → Matthias Breuer, Laser cutting
  • 12.11. Microscopy → Adriana
  • 19.11. Light Microscopy → Nils
  • 26.11 Light in photography → Amel
  • 3.12. Video, Film → Maria, Jibran
  • 10.12. Hackteria → Mahmoud


  • Active participation, graduates teach 20%
  • presentation (artistic examination) 40%
  • documentation 40%
  • edits in the wiki (not related to the class) extra +10%

Eligible participants

Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the Faculties of Media, Gestaltung and in the MediaArchitecture program




Cases for Microscope

Adriana / Project Sketch

Approach by Jakob

Side view

The basic idea of this concept is pretty simple: We are using two carriages (in German: Schlitten) which lie on one another where the contact surface is a plane in the angle of 15 degrees to the table. Pushing the lower carriage to the left will force the upper carriage to move upwards.

For moving the lower carriage a simple and therefore cheap screw with an M6 thread is needed. One rotation about its own axis will move the lower carriage about 1 mm and thus the upper carriage about 0.25 mm. For the guideway (in German: Führung) we should use steel bolts which aren't expensive as well. We should be able to print all the other components with the 3D printer.

If desired I can deliver more technical drawings with correct measurements but I guess this is not needed at the moment as we will re-design this approach anyway.

Rendered image

Raphael Doku DIY Microscop


The scale is 3:1 and on the first page you can see the microscope from the front. On the second page there is the view from above and an idea how I can put the big wheel into the box. In the scetch from above are just the details drawn which where important for me.


wedge approach Cathleen

Approach with 2 wedges. My aim was to find a simple mechanism that allows for high precision. If you tighten the screw the lower wedge moves left an pushes up the upper wedge with the camera on top of it. If you loosen the screw the camera moves down. Because of its simplicity it would be less suceptible to errors.
