IFD:Mobile Culture and Urban Spaces/presentations

From Medien Wiki

1st Assignment - Presentations

List of Presentations
Student App Name URL Date (15 or 22.11.12)
Bethan Hughes Magic Tate Ball app http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/apps/magic-tate-ball 00.11.12
Julius Falk Gothenburg Tram Sightseeing http://popupcity.net/2012/08/app-turns-gothenburg-tram-ride-into-a-sightseeing-tour/ 00.11.12
Matias Garcia Wikihood http://www.wikihood.com/ 00.11.12
Diana Cano MoMa App http://www.moma.org/explore/mobile/index 00.11.12
Lena Digidiki Layar App - ARtours by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam http://www.stedelijk.nu/en/now-at-the-stedelijk/spotlight/artours 00.11.12
Felix Dondera AR-media Player for iOS http://www.inglobetechnologies.com/en/new_products/arplayer_ios/info.php 00.11.12
Chen Liang Museum of London: Streetmuseum http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/Resources/app/you-are-here-app/home.html 00.11.12
Alla Grishko Gorky Park https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gorky-park/id549152154?ls=1&mt=8 00.11.12
Maximilian Michel My City Before http://www.mycitybefore.com/ 00.11.12
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