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Jörg Brinkmann: Flugversuch

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Jörg Brinkmann: Flugversuch
Jörg Brinkmann: Flugversuch

Bachelorthesis der Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen Winter 2009

This Experiment took its start from the intention to come closer to the machine. I wanted to figure out if there would be a different feeling when a machine is added to my body.

Would I myself become a machine ?

Would the machine become human ? Would the two of us band together and become something else ?

After some experiments with an ECG sensor, which I used for measuring my muscle tension, I got the idea of building mechanical wings that would be controlled by my muscle tension. This is a mechanism similar to the principle of a prosthesis. Since my project was not about replacing a missing body part (the usual function of a prosthesis) but rather about adding something to the body, the term prosthesis didn't work in this context. This project was also not about building something that would have a special function or serve an exact purpose. So my intention was obviously not to take wing. This experiment was rather seen as a possibility to experience the machine. The video shows this experience: as you can see, constant and measured body movements create a steady movement of the wings. So I have to conduct myself like a machine in order to achieve a synchronization. On the other hand, random movements let the machine break out and create an unpredictable life of its own.

Prüfer: Prof. Ursula Damm, Max Neupert

<videoflash type"youtube">6JUGukoTRLI|430|270</videoflash>

Moritz Wehrmann

Moritz Wehrmann: Echo

Hört, Hört - Seht, Seht!#Moritz Wehrmann: ECHO

Daniel Wessolek

Nicole Weber: CUTOPHON - Ein Phonem-Instrument

Cutophon - Ein Phonem-Instrument

Das Cutuphon ist als Instrument konzipiert – als Musikinstrument im weitesten Sinne. Die menschliche Stimme wird zum reproduzierbaren Ton. Das Cutuphon ermöglicht dem Benutzer, Laute aneinander zu reihen, die entweder ein bekanntes Wort formen oder als Lautfolge im Raum verklingen. Die Arbeit reflektiert die Strategien des Dadaismus und nutzt diese in einer zeitgemäßen Ausarbeitung.

Hört, Hört - Seht, Seht!#Nicole Weber: Cutuphon

Bernhard Hopfengärtner: HELLO WORLD!

Hello World

“Hello, world!” is a real installation for the virtual globe of the software Google Earth. A Semacode measuring 160 x 160 meters was mown into a wheat field near the town of Ilmenau in the Land Thuringia. The code consists of 18 x 18 bright and dark squares producing decoded the phrase “Hello, world!”. The project was realized in May 2006 and photographs were taken of it during a picture flight in the following month.