GMU:Provokative Architektur/Yuqiong, Yun

From Medien Wiki

no title

Yuqiong Huang, Yun Wang


The project we are working on, which still remains no title, is an interactive installation that trying to provide a certain atmosphere of the city Beijing in it's 1980s.

During the process of modernization and urbanization, old architectural styles are being replaced by apartment buildings and skyscrapers. It seem like the price somehow you have to pay for development. The result is, residents or aboriginal inhabitants are forced to be spectators of reforms, form which creates huge gaps in sociality. The lost is not only about the vanish of old houses, but also the on-longer-existence of a clustered life style, which we used to valued very much, and relay very much on the old architectural syle.

In this work we trying to evocate such old time, in the capacity of the last generation who witness the replacement of two eras.


The installation uses several still objects for metaphorizing six independent but adjacent spaces.
Those objects, which could be a reflection of the old time, are forsaken memory keepers . They are silent, unless being touched will they start to mutter. Since they murmur in a whispering way, participants need to pick them up and get close enough to listen as well as to feel the texture of those daily clips.

The work functions as a serious of living organism with or without the presence and interactions of spectators.
When spectators have no action, the installation create its own dialogue by constructing an abstract and intangible space which symbolize a si-he-yuan (a chinese style residence with yard).
And when participants penetrate into the work space and interact with the objects, a reallife context will be substantialized by sound.


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