
From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 23:01, 5 February 2013 by Max (talk | contribs)

Lecturers: Robin Minard, Miller Puckette, Shahrokh Yadegari, Ludger Hennig, Max Neupert
Credits: 18 ECTS, 16 SWS
Date: Monday, 18:00 until 21:30 h (due to the time difference to San Diego)
Venue: Coudraystraße 13a, SeaM Werkstattstudio
First meeting: 15.04.2013


HiFi sound may be created with LoFi devices. The sensation of space through spatialized sound may be influenced by sources, which differ in their quality and quantity. We want to investigate ways to modify, expand or augment what space can be through sound. Outcome may be for instance electroacoustic composition, simulation of spaces, interactive architecture, set-design as a virtual environment or a performative environment.

This project is the very beginning of a long-term cooperation between Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and University of California in San Diego. Partners are the Robin Minard and Ludger Hennig from (Electroacoustic Music and Sound Design), Max Neupert (Medial Environments) in Weimar and Miller Puckette (Computer Music) and Shahrokh Yadegari (Theatre and Dance) in San Diego. It is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service. The classes will be held in a telematic conjunction and students will work together. Hence the late evening class in Weimar since this is in the mornings Pacific Standard Time.

German description


Admission requirements


Registration procedure

Please send your application by email with the Subject Klangraum to: max.neupert (at)

  • Name, Surname
  • program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
  • matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
  • Angabe der geltenden Prüfungsordnung
  • Valid email address (no other mailing addresses will be accepted) Why?

Sollte es mehr als 25 Bewerber geben, entscheidet die Reihenfolge der Anmeldungen über die Aufnahme in den Kurs


Active participation, presentation, artistic examination, documentation, edits in the wiki.

Eligible participants

Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the Faculties of Media, Gestaltung and in the MediaArchitecture program


Termine des Semesters

