GMU:CyberSpace/Room In Room

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Room In Room

Yuqiong Huang




In the middle of the room stands a model, which is exactly the room itself (1: 20 scale). A webcam is set inside the model to capture outer images through the window of the model. In realtime, those images are projected proportionally onto the real window.

exhibition in M9

I found an interesting phenomenon while observing visitors during the summaery time. People mostly behave as they discover nothing when they come along. However, when visitors come as a group, they can easily get the idea by looking at others' images (which are projected onto the window).

The installation is designed for single person. People getting watched while he is watching. If replace the word ‘watch’ into other words such as ‘observe’ or ‘monitor’, the meaning could become ruminated. The state of being alone and unconscious suit exactly for the meaning of ’monitor‘: you have no idea that it is a scene of watching; you have no idea of being watched; you have no idea of what you are watching, while by what you are being watched. And you yourself are the trigger and receiver of everything.

<videoflash type=vimeo>70570094</videoflash>

<videoflash type=vimeo>71004166</videoflash>