GMU:Devices of Perception/Diana Suyerbayeva

From Medien Wiki


Day 1 (13.06.14)

Important terms:

  • DC – Direct Current (постоянный ток)
  • AC –Alternating Current (переменный ток)
  • С - Capacitor (конденсатор)
  • R – Resistance (сопротивление)
  • F – Farad (Фарад)
  • LED – Light Emitting Diode (светодиод)

Types of Resistors:

  • 1K Ohm – brown/black/red
  • 10K Ohm – brown/black/orange
  • 100K Ohm - brown/black/yellow
  • 1MEG Ohm - brown/black/green

Resistance can be in series and parallel.

3 LED in series
3 LED in parallel

555 Timer in Astable Mode


555 Timer in Monostable Mode


We have built in class circuit 555 Timer in Astable Mode with speaker as an output from pin 3 and with aligator clips from pin 6 and 7.


Day 2 (14.06.14)

Types of Switches (ключ – переключатель/включатель):

  • SPST – Single Pole Single Throw
  • SPDT – Single Pole Double Throw
  • DPDT – Double Pole Double Throw
  • Tilt Switch
  • Rotary Switch

H-Bridge (H-Мост) – in that circuit motor can change directions with the switch.


Day 3 (15.06.2014)

Assignment: Super Conceptual Switch or Variable Resistance + Diagram/Schematic

555 Timer and transistor (Tip 122)



So I chose to do Assignment 2 - "Variable Resistance"

The first idea that came to my mind was to use pickles, because they are very good conductors.

In the beginning of developing that idea, I did a few tests to see how it will work with one or two pickles.

So to the both ends of the alligator clips I attached needles, and then I was poking with them my pickles to see which sounds it will give me. While I was testing, I did some changes for the size of the resistance and capacitors.


During the open lab on Thursday, I got some important tips from Darsha on how I can develop my work. And also the same day I got to knew about circuit with two 555 Timers. And I decided to use that for more interesting sounds in my work.