Bots 'n' Plots — Malen nach 0 und 1
Lecturer: Martin Schneider
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Wednesday 17:00 - 20:30 Uhr
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: Thursday, 15. Apr. 2015
You need to apply until April 12th, 2015. Applications after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Follow @botsnplots on Twitter!
The internet of things is infiltrating the social web.
A rich ecosystem of social bots is evolving right now.
Those bots range from the purposeful via the poetic to the philosophical.
And they are starting to talk to each other.
In the Bots 'n' Plots course, we will create little robots that doodle and babble.
Our robots will be based in software, but we will also learn how to connect them with the physical world, using vision sound and serial connections.
In the course of the class you will:
- Learn programming with Python
- Process images and text
- Create generative drawings and poems
- Use APIs for the social web, including Twitter and Mediawiki
- Create your own software bots and make them talk to each other
The course requires no previous programming experience.
As a result of the course you will acquire fundamental programming skills that will enable you to take more advanced courses in the future.
It is recommended to combine the course with the eval(nature) module.
Application for this class is due until April 5th, 2015 via email.
To apply and to find out more about the deadlines, requirements and grading scheme, please refer to the website of the course.
Das Internet der Dinge erobert die sozialen Netzwerke.
Im Augenblick entwickelt sich ein vielfältiges Ökosystem sozialer Bots.
Die Bots decken ein weites Spektrum ab, vom Praktischen, über Poetisches bis hin zum Philosophischen.
Und sie fangen an miteinander zu kommunizieren...
In Malen nach 0 und 1 werden wir kleine Roboter erschaffen, die kritzeln und brabbeln.
Unsere Roboter bestehen aus Nullen und Einsen, aber wir werden auch lernen sie mit der materiellen Welt zu verbinden, wobei Kameras, Töne und Kabel zum Einsatz kommen.
Im Rahmen des Moduls werdet ihr:
- Programmieren mit Python lernen
- Grafik und Text verarbeiten
- Generative Grafiken und Gedichte erzeugen
- APIs für Soziale Netzwerke nutzen, inkl. Twitter und Mediawiki
- Eigene Software-Bots entwickeln und sie dazu bringen miteinander zu reden.
Dieses Modul erfordert keine Programmierkentnisse.
Im Rahmen des Kurses werden grundlegende Programmierkentnisse vermittelt, die es ermöglichen in Zukunft fortgeschrittene Kurse zu belegen.
Es wird empfohlen diesen Kurs mit dem Projekt-Modul eval(nature) zu kombinieren.
Die Bewerbung für den Kurs muss bis spätestens 5. April 2015 per Email erfolgen.
Weitere Infos zur Bewerbung, Zulassungs-Voraussetzungen, Deadlines und Benotungs-Schema auf der Webseite zum Kurs.
The course will be in English, unless all participants are speaking German.
Eligible Participants
Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the faculties of:
- Media Art/Design and Media Architecture
- Visual Communication
- Product Design
- Architecture
- Burning Interest in Artificial Intelligence, Computer-Linguistics and Generative Design
- Previous course about the Internet of Things highly recommended
- Working knowledge of Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript ...)
- Time and Devotion for lots of coding homework, which may be frustrating at times
- Programming experience considered helpful
The deadline to apply for this course is April 12th, 2015
You need to provide links to previous work to be elligible to this course.
To: Martin Schneider
Subject: Bots n Plots /// Application
- Please provide links to three of your visual, poetic or algorithmic works online.
Please answer the questions:
- What is your favourite bot on twitter?
- What kind of bot would you like to be able to create at the end of the course?
This is the outline of the course. The details may still be subject to change.
Theme | Topic | Date |
Part 1: Python | 01: Programming I | Week 1 |
02: Programming II | Week 2 | |
Part 2: Plotter Bots | 03: Drawing and Plotting I | Week 3 |
04: Drawing and Plotting II | Week 4 | |
05: Image Processing I | Week 5 | |
06: Image Processing II | Week 6 | |
Part 3: Chatter Bots | 07: Language Processing I | Week 7 |
08: Language Processing II | Week 8 | |
09: Generating Poetry I | Week 9 | |
10: Generating Poetry II | Week 10 | |
Part 4: Social Bots | 12: Twitter Bots I | Week 11 |
11: Twitter Bots II | Week 12 | |
13: Wiki Bots I | Week 13 | |
14: Wiki Bots II | Week 14 |
- Presence and active participation (required)
- Punctual and complete submission of homework (required)
- 50% Technical and aesthetic execution of the final bot project
- 20% Emergent behaviour from making the robots talk
- 20% Documentation of the final project
- 10% Contribution to the MediaWiki
Here are a couple of links that should give you an idea of where this course is heading ...
Learning Python
- Learn Python at Code Academy
Image Processing
- Multimedia Programming by Software Carpentry
Video Processing
- MoviePy by Zulko
- Vector Animations with Python
Language Processing
- Bird, Steven: Natural Language Processing with Python ISBN 978-0596516499 (online)
- Lobin, Hennig:Computerlinguistik und Texttechnologie ISBN 978-3825232825
- Russel, Mathew: Mining the Social Web ISBN 978-1449367619
- Segaran, Toby: Programming Collective Intelligence ISBN 978-0596529321
This is a list of recommended books for the Python language:
- Beazley, David: Python Cookbook ISBN 978-1449340377
- Blum, Richard: Python Programming for Raspberry Pi ISBN 978-0789752055
- Chan, Jamie: Learn Python in One Day and Learn it Well ISBN 978-1506094380
- Zelle, John: Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science ISBN 978-1590282410 (online)
Further Reading
There are a couple of books in the Semesterapparat of Society of Networked Things, that you might want to flip trough.