Hello world!
My name is Smin Kim. I'm studying in Media art and design Bauhaus University Weimar Master course. live and work in Weimar. Nice to see you here!
lovely Bot
Dog Bot Code
""" My Dog Bot """ # Drawing style size(400,400) background("#FF8000") fill(255,0,100,90) strokeWeight(10) rect(150,120,100,200) # Nose ellipse(200,300,60,60) # Eears pushMatrix() translate(250,120) rotate(-TWO_PI /10) rect(0,0,20,150) popMatrix() pushMatrix() translate(150,120) scale(-1,1) rotate(-TWO_PI /8) rect(0,0,20,150) popMatrix() # Eyes pushMatrix() translate(275,120) scale(-1,1) ellipse(50,70,10,10) ellipse(100,70,10,10) strokeWeight(5) ellipse(120,70,30,30) ellipse(30,70,30,30) popMatrix() # saveFrame("sminKimRobot2.png")
Animation Dog Bot
Animation Dog Bot Code
""" robot animation """ # Parameters diameter = 400 centerx = diameter / 2 centery = diameter / 2 boxsize = 40 # Drawing style def setup(): # Set up Canvas colorMode(RGB, 1) size(diameter, diameter) def draw(): # increase boxsize with every single frame boxsize = 100 + 50 * sin(frameCount * 0.1) angle = PI/8 * sin(frameCount * 0.1) background(1, .8, .8) # define style fill(1, .5) rectMode(CENTER) fill(1, .5) stroke(1) strokeWeight(10) # Body rect(centerx, centery, boxsize, boxsize) # Arm positions position1x = centerx - boxsize / 2 position1y = centery - boxsize / 2 position2x = centerx + boxsize / 2 position2y = centery - boxsize / 2 # Right Arms drawArm(position2x, position2y, +1, angle - TWO_PI * 3/8) drawArm(position2x, position2y + boxsize/2, +1, angle) # Left Arms drawArm(position1x, position1y, -1, angle -TWO_PI * 3/8) drawArm(position1x, position1y + boxsize/2, -1, angle) # Head pushStyle() fill(.5, .5 ,1, .5) ellipse(centerx, centery - boxsize, boxsize, boxsize) popStyle() # saveFrame("Dog.gif") # print(frameRate) def drawArm(xpos, ypos, direction, angle = -TWO_PI /8): pushMatrix() translate(xpos, ypos) scale(direction, 1) rotate(angle) rectMode(CORNER) rect(0, 0, 20, 150) popMatrix()