GMU:BioGames/Smin Kim

From Medien Wiki

Hello Minimi!

My name is Smin Kim. I'm studying in Bauhaus University Weimar Master course, Media art and design. living and working in Weimar. Nice to see you here!


Start Bio Lap!


Introduction of Bio Lap

Professor Ursula Damm and Maria had the Introduction of Bio Lap in Marienstraße for students and teachers. 

I decide to grow Physarum Polycephalum in Argar plate. 
First of all, i have to make enviroment for my minimi in Argar plate. 
(The Polycephalum can be cultured on 2% water argar, fed oat flakes) 
Argar should be solide (not liquid) so we have to wait until The argar is solidified. It takes time (One day)
Maria helped me a lot. and i am so excited! 

Good meterial for starting Bio Lap
Techniques for Studying Bacteria and Fugi 
Carolina Biological Supply Company