Hello | Hallo | Hola
-Graphic Designer studying Media Art and Design (M.F.A.)-
Twitter Bot
link to the bot
link to the code
Pasting Faces of animals on top of the faces on the picture
"This was the bot I was working on but got stuck because the images did not match "
Robot Code
""" My Robot """ # Set up canvas eye = 15 def setup(): size(400,400) background (255) noStroke() def draw(): #color change background R = random(10,200) G = random(10,150) B = random(200,200) background(R,G,B) # Head fill(50,100,255) rect(100, 50, 170, 150) # # Glasses fill(255) rect (170, 110, 50, 3) rect(120, 100, 50, 30) rect(200, 100, 50, 30) #line(170, 110, 200, 110) # increase eyes eye = 10 + 5 * sin(frameCount * 0.1) # arm movement #position1 = up1, #Right Eye fill(100) ellipse(220,120,eye,eye) #Left Eye ellipse(150,120,eye,eye) # Body fill(50,200,255) rect(155, 200, 60, 150) #Right foot fill(150,70,190) ellipse(200,350,25,25) #Right foot ellipse(170,350,25,25) #Right Arm fill(50,200,255) #rotate (-TWO_PI /8) #translate(-215,100) rect(220, 200, 20, 90) #Left Arm #translate(100,100) rect(130, 200, 20, 90) #saveFrame('robot_1.jpg') saveFrame('myrobot_###.jpg')