GMU:Bots 'n' Plots/Constantin Oestreich

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Picturius Bottian Twitterbot


Twitterbot: @Picturus Bottian

What the Bot does: The Bot repost an filtered Image to you (if you send him one). Therefore he choose random 2-4 individual filter functions and create a new Image. He also give back a short sentence which he choose randomly. If you did not send and image and just text... he answer with: "No image".


Ideas andP roblems: I want to do an image bot which is not 100% clear what he creates. So I play whith this random and filter functions. To get on every processed image an individual look i had to go more and more abstract whith his output. So I increase the numbers of filter functions, put in more distorted filters and increase the minimal number of filter routines on every image.

Thanks to: Thanks to Stackoverflow, thanks to the smaller Blogs and Forums I arrieved via Google, thanks to effbot, thanks to Pillow and last but not least thanks to Martin and Sebastian.

The code:

### Main File ##############

#Import Classes + Modules

from twitterbot import TwitterBot
import keys
import random
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from image import get_image_file

#Import aus Dateien
from textposts import make_text
from textposts import no_image
from imagefuncs import filter

### Twitterbot functions ###

class MyTwitterBot(TwitterBot):
    # Keys
    def bot_init(self):
        """ Initialize and configure the bot """

        self.config['api_key'] = keys.consumer_key
        self.config['api_secret'] = keys.consumer_secret
        self.config['access_key'] = keys.access_token
        self.config['access_secret'] = keys.access_token_secret


        # how often to tweet, in seconds
        self.config['tweet_interval'] = 1 * 5     # default: 1 minutes

        # use this to define a (min, max) random range of how often to tweet
        # e.g., self.config['tweet_interval_range'] = (5*60, 10*60) # tweets every 5-10 minutes
        self.config['tweet_interval_range'] = None

        # only reply to tweets that specifically mention the bot
        self.config['reply_direct_mention_only'] = True

        # only include bot followers (and original tweeter) in @-replies
        self.config['reply_followers_only'] = False

        # fav any tweets that mention this bot?
        self.config['autofav_mentions'] = False

        # fav any tweets containing these keywords?
        self.config['autofav_keywords'] = []

        # follow back all followers?
        self.config['autofollow'] = False

    def on_scheduled_tweet(self):
        """ Make a public tweet to the bot's own timeline. """
        # We might take senteces from somewhere and tweet them on a regular basis ...
        pass # don't do anything here ...

    def on_mention(self, tweet, prefix):
        if tweet:
            # get image from tweet
                image_file = get_image_file(tweet)

                if image_file is None:
                    text = ("{},"+no_image()).format(prefix)
                    # create a tweet and make sure to cut it off at 140 chars
                    text = ("{},"+make_text()).format(prefix)

            except Exception as e:

            # do the tweeting based on wether we have an image
            tweetsize = 140 - len(prefix) - 1
            text = text[:140]

            if image_file is None:

                    print("No Image")
                    self.post_tweet(text, reply_to=tweet)

                filename, file = image_file
                img =
                img = filter(img)
                format = filename.split(".", 1)[1].upper()
                print("Image format: {}".format(format))
                output = BytesIO()
      , format="PNG")
                # Post
                self.post_tweet(text, reply_to=tweet, media=filename, file=output)


            except Exception as e:
                # did anything go wrong when we tried to create and post the tweet?
    def on_timeline(self, tweet, prefix):
        """ Actions to take on a timeline tweet. """
        pass # Don't do anything here ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bot = MyTwitterBot()

### Filter File ############

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter, ImageColor, ImageEnhance
import random


def edges (image): #002
    return image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)

def transpose(image): #002
    return image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

def invert(image): #002
    return image.point(lambda x: 255-x)

def pixelit (image): #001
    xsize, ysize = image.size
    width = xsize
    height = ysize
    minwidth = int(xsize * 0.05)
    minheight = int(ysize * 0.05)
    image = image.resize((minwidth, minheight) , Image.NEAREST)
    image = image.resize((width , height), Image.NEAREST)
    return image

def blend (image): #001
    imgrotate1 = image.rotate(135)
    imgrotate2 = image.rotate(225)
    image2 = Image.blend(imgrotate1, imgrotate2, 0.5)
    image = Image.blend(image, image2, 0.5)
    return image

def nogreen (image): #001
    source = image.split()
    R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
    out = source[G].point(lambda i: i*0.0)
    source[G].paste(out, None, None)
    image = Image.merge(image.mode, source)
    return image

def colorchange (image) : #002
    source = image.split()
    R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
    mask1 = source[R].point(lambda i: i<200 and 255)
    out1 = source[R].point(lambda i: i*0)
    source[R].paste(out1, None, mask1)
    mask2 = source[G].point(lambda i: i<200 and 255)
    out2 = source[G].point(lambda i: i*0.5)
    source[G].paste(out2, None, mask2)
    image = Image.merge(image.mode, source)
    return image
def switchchannels (image) : #001
    r,g,b = image.split()
    image = Image.merge ("RGB", (g,b,r))
    return image

def pixelsort (image) :   #002
    source = image
    colors = source.getcolors(source.size[0] * source.size[1])
    pixels = []
    for i, color in colors:
        pixels.extend(i * [color])
    new ="RGB", source.size)
    image = new
    return image

def pixelunsort (image) : #002
    source = image
    colors = source.getcolors(source.size[0] * source.size[1])
    pixels = []
    for i, color in colors:
        pixels.extend(i * [color])
    new ="RGB", source.size)
    image = new
    return image

def spectral (image) : #002
    image2 = image
    image = "RGB", image.size, "black")
    pixels = image.load()
    for i in range (image.size[0]):
        for j in range (image.size[1]):
            pixels[i,j] = (i, j, 0)
    image = Image.blend(image, image2, 0.4)
    return image

def pixelunsort_green (image) : #001
    source2 = image.split()    
    R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
    out1 = source2[R].point(lambda i: i*0.1)
    out2 = source2[B].point(lambda i: i*0.9)
    source2[R].paste(out1, None, None)
    source2[B].paste(out2, None, None)
    image = Image.merge(image.mode, source2)
    source = image
    colors = source.getcolors(source.size[0] * source.size[1])
    pixels = []
    for i, color in colors:
        pixels.extend(i * [color])
    new ="RGB", source.size)
    image = new
    return image

def pixelsort_green (image) : #001
    source2 = image.split()    
    R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
    out1 = source2[R].point(lambda i: i*0.1)
    out2 = source2[B].point(lambda i: i*0.9)
    source2[R].paste(out1, None, None)
    source2[B].paste(out2, None, None)
    image = Image.merge(image.mode, source2)
    source = image
    colors = source.getcolors(source.size[0] * source.size[1])
    pixels = []
    for i, color in colors:
        pixels.extend(i * [color])
    new ="RGB", source.size)
    image = new
    return image

#Random Filter List

def filter (image):

    functions_list = [edges, transpose, invert, pixelit, blend, nogreen, colorchange, switchchannels, pixelsort, pixelunsort, spectral, pixelunsort_green, pixelsort_green]
    filename = "final.png"
    x = 2
    y = 3
    z = 4
    list = [x, y, z]
    anzahl = random.choice(list)
    print (anzahl)
    if anzahl == 2:
        #Random eine Funktion
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #2.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
    if anzahl == 3:
        #Random eine Funktion
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #2.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #3.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
    if anzahl == 4:
        #Random eine Funktion
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #2.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #3.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
        #4.Runde Random Filter anwenden
        imagefunc = random.choice(functions_list)
        image = imagefunc(image)
    return image

### Text File ##############

#Import Modules for Project
import random

def make_text():
    a="Yeah, a new Image is Ready"
    b="What do you think about?"
    c="Uh, which Effekt"
    e="Thats what I do"
    f="Mhmmm, what you mean?"
    g="My next I post!"
    h="I should do more of this."
    i="Twitter is my life."
    j="This is my job!"

    text_list = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k]
    text = random.choice(text_list)
    return text

def no_image():
    a = "No Image there"
    b = "What you do? Where is my Image?"
    c = "I can't read! Send me a picture"
    d = "I like Images!"
    e = "Boring!"
    f = "Okay, I don't know what you want!"
    g = "Pictures! Thats what I want!"
    noimagelist = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
    text = random.choice(noimagelist)
    return text