GMU:BioArt WS15/Leon Billerbeck and Ioannis Oriwol

From Medien Wiki

crystal growing and homeopathy

The Influence of Homeopathic Solutions on the Ice Structure of Water/Patterns (best: Ice Crystals) + The Influence of Homeopathic Solutions on the Structure of different Salt Crystals.

As Crystals, especially water/ice crystals are the most sensitive medium, vibrations/information coming from the homeopathic matter (Bella donna, arsenicum album, aconitum, ferrum phosphoricum, arnica, all C potencies) could influence the structure. Based on Masaru Emoto's Theory, in which even sounds and images are able to influence the crystalization of water under ideal conditions, ioannis and my experiment aims for visual differences and interesting patterns, generated by completely natural substances , to use as a video art work.

The Principle of Homeopathy is to dissolve matter till it is theoretically and scientifically not anymore in the solution. "100 drops alcohol to 1 drop of a homeopathic substance --> Dissolving Process makes it 1/100/100/100/100 etc. depending on the potency aimed for.

--> The Images we capture of the Crystals will dissolve digitally in the video by creating a visual feedback or another processed image abstraction which will increase by time till the image is not anymore recognizable. Only the Information/the essence (Colors/Pixel) remain, as the viewer watches the Video from the beginning and will save and hold on to the first undissolved image of the Crystals.



