GMU:The Unstrument/Steffen Harder

From Medien Wiki


First things

Darsha's course was about electronics & sound. I enjoyed her approach to experimental working, deconstructing speakers, connecting clip cables, later solding & connecting piezo microphones with the help of Erin Sexton.

It was fun. Here are some results:


a first start


a first setting


My own interpretation of a Sound Drawing

Darsha asked us to do a drawing of something related to sound


You can see a cheesedome, in it, there is a fan/ventilator that pushes around some styrofoam. Some piezo microphones around the dome are meant to record the sounds the particles shall make when they hit the glass from inside. This raw data should be transformed into a speculative binary code, mankind can use this but have to map the code in terms of making sense out of this inventive speculation of mine.

The Soundwalk

Every participating student had to make some concept for a soundwalk. Soundwalks are meant to sharpen senses for hearing, feeling, thinking and of course walking. Here is my concept for walking together through Weimar:


It's meant like a little democratic/social algorithm where I wanted to find out if groups make better decisions - they strangely did progress in a fun making interesting experience.