GMU:BioArt WS15/Liese Endler

From Medien Wiki

Petrified Waves


Working atmosphere


Illustrated Thoughts on Crystals, Waves and Interference

First draft of an installation setup:


Visitors put their mouth near the microphone and make use of their vocal cord.

Microphone is atatched to a loudspeaker.

Above the loudspeaker the crystal solution is arranged.

Crystal solution is recorded from above with a video camera.

Video camera is attached to a projector that projects the image onto a wall.

The image shows the pertrified waves that are produced by the vocal cord of the visitors.

Some Experiments on aesthetics


Magnesiumsulfate + gold dust (crystalized after approx. 2h)


Attempt to magnify a drop of crystal solution with a green laser


Setup to expose crystal solution to waves


[[ ]]

petri dish contains magensiumsulfate solution

piezo disc is attached to the petri dish

piezo disc emits square waves produced by an oscilating circuit

Crystal solution and sound waves trapped in a box


sound isolating box with

magnesium sulfate solution

in petri dish

attached to peizo disc

piezo disk works as a loudspeaker in combination with the petri dish

Some outlines on crystals and sound:


Final decission on what to exhibit



Magnesiumsulfate solution

Kalium potassium solution

3 petri dishes

3 piezo discs

3 sound wave isolating boxes

3 small spotlights

1 table (at Schillerpalais)

1-3? mp3 player(s)

(1 oscilating circuit)
