GMU:Dinge, die träumen

From Medien Wiki

Dreaming things

on the virtuality of everyday life


Die Anmeldung findet dieses Jahr zentral über die Projektvergabe der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung statt. Bitte besucht die Projektbörse am Montag, dem 3.4. von 11 bis 12.30 im Audimax. Dennoch freuen wir uns über Nachricht an ursula.damm [ät]
Konsultationen für Interessenten am Dienstag, dem 4.4. im Raum 304, Marienstrasse 5, 3. Etage
First Meeting: Tuesday 11.4.2017, 13:30 bis 16.30 room 204, Marienstrasse 7b
The module is open to all students of our faculty. Students from other study programms are welcome. .
Weekly meetings Tuesdays, 13:30 to 16:30

Lecture Tuesdays 17.30, room 204, Marienstrasse 7b "Introduction into Media Art"


The module deals with objects like interactive furniture or interfaces connecting with virtual "dreams", e.g. objects allowing interaction with a virtual reality. We will work with Unity and Blender. To be able to fulfill the technical requirements of our working environment, we recommend participants to participate at our Werk- and Fachmodules teaching the skills for interaction and virtual reality content:

Late 2017 we are participating at two exhibitions. It is possible to develop artwork for those within the module.

Mandatory is the participation at a lecture on Media Art on Thursday, 5.30 pm at room 204, Marienstrasse 7b



bitte hier Termine für studentische Präsentationen eintragen!


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