GMU:Synthetic Biology/a new plant

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A New Plant


When human eats food or drinks, they can get carbohydrate, fattiness, proteide, minerals, vitamin and water.

Food nutrients to produce energy are protein, fat and carbohydrates. They generate heat through oxidation of the body for maintaining life, growth and movement. Energy supply is excessive, the extra calories will turn into fats and stored up over time, your body fat up. Excess energy intaken will be stored in the body. The storage form of energy the body is fat, abnormal accumulation of fat in the body will cause an unnecessary burden of obesity and body, and can become a cardiovascular disease, some cancers, diabetes and other risk factors for epidemic disease.

The plant’s living depends on the food and water that human eating. It can absorb the excessive calories that human intake. It connects with the human body by blood vessels. It’s not very big plant, so it’s easy to craay them.  

Except absorbing excess body heat from human, the plant also can supplement heat for human when they need.

Activities in the process of human life, all life activities require energy, such as physical synthesis reactions, muscle contraction, glandular secretion and so on. Lack of human daily intake of energy, machine experience using their own reserves of energy consumption of their own organization or to meet the energy needs of life activities. Chronically hungry people, experience a period of time machine appears lower basal metabolism, reduced physical activity and weight loss to reduce energy consumption, so the body can adapt to the state for energy intake, time, energy metabolism by the negative balance to a new low level equilibrium. As a result, stagnation of growth and development in children, adult weight loss and decreased ability to work.

When the energy of body is in shortage, the plant can quickly supplement the enrgy that the human body needs. When there is excess energy, the plant will save. In this way, we can avoid many diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and so on. And everyone can have a more healthy and better body.

--Sharklu 16:24, 24 May 2010 (UTC)Lu Jiayuan