GMU:Max/MSP visual programming/Jiannan Zhang/1.Project introduction

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< GMU:Max/MSP visual programming‎ | Jiannan Zhang
Revision as of 18:57, 11 July 2018 by Jiannan (talk | contribs)
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1. Concept

My idea is to create a simple music instrument installation using Max/Msp. At the end we should be able to play music with the laptop keyboard, just like the application "Garage Band" or piano app on mobile phones.


The main function I would use is the sequencer we learned at the beginning in class. I would also find the chart that compares tunes with frequency of sound to make a complete scale of music.

2. Chart: Comparison of tunes and frequency/Hz

Middle tone 1 - 523

Middle tone 1# - 554

Middle tone 2 - 587

Middle tone 2# - 622

Middle tone 3 - 659

Middle tone 4 - 698

Middle tone 4# - 740

Middle tone 5 - 784

Middle tone 5# - 831

Middle tone 6 - 880

Middle tone 6# - 932

Middle tone 7 - 988

High tone 1 - 1046

3. First try: build the keyboard and try to play a simple song

So I built a keyboard according to the frequency of central c to high c. And i tried to play the "Ode To Joy" with it. I also recorded the song and the whole scale of all tones.

Here are some problems I found:

1\ The keyboard cannot be played very fluently. it may result from the delay of a single note.

2\ the music keyboard is unlikely to range widely due to the keyboard of laptop has limited letters.

Next i will try to solve the first problem and continue to relate this keyboard to Arduino led lights.

File:Screenshot keyboard.jpeg


4. Second try: using makenote to build chords
