Page title matches
- Synthetic Spectacles was put in the position zu communicate over time and space. Synthetic biology is currently making its first step towards a firm place in our worldview wi2 KB (371 words) - 13:04, 7 June 2010
- SuperCell - the Synthetic Biology supermarket is a collaborative science and art project of the [http://ibios shelfs. Through this we hope to foster a discussion about Synthetic Biology that includes different scientific disciplines as well as the general publi1 KB (194 words) - 09:49, 12 January 2016
- 2 KB (244 words) - 12:26, 9 September 2010
- 2 KB (232 words) - 08:57, 17 August 2010
- ...ake Pelly into a product with only the best and purest ingredients without synthetic generated DNA, gens and bacterias.1 KB (220 words) - 14:35, 28 July 2010
- 1 KB (181 words) - 17:30, 17 August 2010
- 1 KB (253 words) - 14:14, 28 July 2010
- 9 KB (1,242 words) - 10:54, 7 October 2010
- Synthetic Biology is an exciting new field for artistic endeavor. Synthetic Biology has the potential to change the medical and technological landscape drastic794 bytes (123 words) - 19:16, 8 August 2010
- 1 KB (148 words) - 00:29, 2 June 2010
- 1 KB (187 words) - 15:30, 28 July 2010
- [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/en|english version]] # Woche '''24.5–30.5.''' 27.5. - 30.5. [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/Retreat|Exkursion]] mit Heidelberg4 KB (442 words) - 12:12, 13 May 2011
- 14 KB (1,912 words) - 08:36, 15 October 2010
- After settling on the name "Super Cell" for our Synthetic Biology Supermarket we are working on products and details of the webshop. ...den and the way she wants to create a diversity between organic, vegan and synthetic manipulated lifestyles.18 KB (2,976 words) - 13:52, 24 October 2010
- #REDIRECT [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/old]]39 bytes (5 words) - 17:53, 8 May 2011
- 7 KB (1,074 words) - 20:15, 9 October 2010
- 2 KB (285 words) - 23:40, 16 August 2010
- ...of the water. The principle of that product is viewed from the jellyfish. Synthetic stinging cells stransforming the cell contents of algas and cyanobacterias1 KB (174 words) - 20:19, 9 October 2010
- 2 KB (284 words) - 01:04, 17 August 2010
- The" synthetic biodegradable" bin is a synthetic organ systhem which utilize all of your biological waste. At the end of the536 bytes (84 words) - 21:38, 26 September 2010
Page text matches
- SuperCell - the Synthetic Biology supermarket is a collaborative science and art project of the [http://ibios shelfs. Through this we hope to foster a discussion about Synthetic Biology that includes different scientific disciplines as well as the general publi1 KB (194 words) - 09:49, 12 January 2016
- Synthetic Biology is an exciting new field for artistic endeavor. Synthetic Biology has the potential to change the medical and technological landscape drastic794 bytes (123 words) - 19:16, 8 August 2010
- * A radio feature announcing the synthetic biology supermarket * A stream available on the synthetic biology supermarket website, the supermarket radio708 bytes (91 words) - 23:19, 1 June 2010
- [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/en|english version]] # Woche '''24.5–30.5.''' 27.5. - 30.5. [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/Retreat|Exkursion]] mit Heidelberg4 KB (442 words) - 12:12, 13 May 2011
- Synthetic Spectacles was put in the position zu communicate over time and space. Synthetic biology is currently making its first step towards a firm place in our worldview wi2 KB (371 words) - 13:04, 7 June 2010
- <span style="color:#9ACD32">~ Projekt SS / WS 2010: [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/ko ko ro mo|ko_ko_ro_mo]]779 bytes (111 words) - 22:25, 6 November 2011
- * [[GMU:Synthetic Biology]], Projektmodul594 bytes (71 words) - 21:55, 1 October 2010
- ==Digital biology== image:synthetic-biology.png2 KB (299 words) - 16:27, 21 June 2016
- Race track for the [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/Bacteria Game|Bacteria Game]]. Objects for petri dishes. Made for the [[GMU:Synthetic Biology/Bacteria Game|Bacteria Game]].2 KB (242 words) - 13:41, 5 October 2010
- * Ginsberg, D. et al. ''Synthetic Aesthetics: Investigating Synthetic Biology’s Designs on Nature''. Cambridge, Mass: The Mit Press, 2014. 978-02620199 * Bureaud, A. ''Meta-Life: Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, ALife and the Arts''. MIT Press, 2014.5 KB (683 words) - 17:56, 1 December 2014
- ...the webshop, the projects aims to improve public awareness about Synthetic Biology and at the same time foster a debate on how we want to see it manifested in ...gage in a discussion about desired and undesired implications of Synthetic Biology. If we -as a society- want to influence how this powerful science will affe5 KB (798 words) - 09:49, 6 June 2011
- * [[GMU:Synthetic Biology]] - Ursula Damm, Bernhard Hopfengärtner, Sebastian Hundertmark683 bytes (91 words) - 19:25, 21 July 2010
- Linkliste für die Kurse [[GMU:Follow The Green Rabbit]] und [[GMU:Synthetic Biology]] ...rdialsoup.html 2] Canadian artist working with the topics of evolutionary biology, using animation, drawing, video and installation.14 KB (1,862 words) - 12:54, 29 August 2014
- |[[GMU:Synthetic Biology]] (PM) |[[GMU:Synthetic Biology]] (PM)4 KB (499 words) - 10:19, 13 July 2010
- *Synthetic Biology; ...and experimental support in Art projects approaching living Organismn and Biology2 KB (234 words) - 08:29, 25 June 2024
- ...n the possible and the actual: Philosophical perspectives on the design of synthetic organisms] Jakob von Uexküll - Theoretical Biology, Biocybernetics and Biosemiotics (Journal article)]7 KB (969 words) - 12:15, 14 April 2015
- the ancient breeders, Gregor Mendel up to the state of art of synthetic biology, i.e. revolutions in DNA editing by zinkfinger and CRISPR Cas9 technologies1 KB (191 words) - 23:24, 6 February 2016
- ...n the possible and the actual: Philosophical perspectives on the design of synthetic organisms] Jakob von Uexküll - Theoretical Biology, Biocybernetics and Biosemiotics (Journal article)]7 KB (995 words) - 22:06, 5 May 2015
- ...genetic Timestamp: Exploring the Rearrangement of Matter trought Synthetic Biology and Art by Catts and Iwasaki, Time as Critique by Jane Calvert, Evolution o ...dation is dedicated to education and competition, advancement of synthetic biology, and the development of open community and collaboration.” (http://igem.o7 KB (952 words) - 11:28, 6 January 2018
- Bacteria Game is part of the [[GMU:Synthetic_Biology|Synthetic Biology project]] which entered into the [ ...he supplied materials without any risk. The showdown competition is run by synthetic bacteria. Predators and prey communicate and regulate each other's density.3 KB (493 words) - 11:14, 31 October 2010