Bawer Parada

From Medien Wiki

3D Web Interfaces Documentation.

The Contents.

  • Introduction in the topic based on examples of simulated or real time rendered 3D on web (Old and new tools.
  • First approach to 3d web tools using CSS.
  • Second approach using webGL API.
  • Third approach using the Threejs library.
  • Closer look and prototyping exercises using the Threejs library and the 3D model of "Haus am Horn".
  • Quick look to the possibilities using augmented reality.

Excercises and Prototype.

CSS Exercises.


WebGL Excercises.


Threejs Excercises.


Haus am Horn Prototype.

There are two versions of the prototype:

Textured and orbit controls

  • The first one is a exploration of the workflow using 3DS Max instead blender to create a fully textured 3D model. In this case the model is subdivided into several parts to match the texture images.

1st Prototype


3D Anaglyph ready

  • The second one is a exploration of anaglyph 3D using the .js file for anaglyph effect.

2nd Prototype - it is necessary blue / red glasses to see the effect.