GMU:Bots 'n' Plots/Maria Degand

From Medien Wiki

Dokumentation des Kurses

first steps toward my own twitterbot

Der erste Versuch etwas mit Processing und Phyton zu zeichnen

my little robot duck


size(400, 400)
colorMode(RGB, 1) 
background(0, 100, 0)

ellipse(100, 120, 90, 90) 
ellipse(90, 110, 10, 10)
ellipse(90, 110, 5, 8)
ellipse(90, 110, 3, 3)
rect(90, 155, 155, 105, 200, 1, 250, 50)
triangle(120, 120, 120, 100, 90, 100)
translate(350, 0)

scale(-1, 1)
triangle(210, 300, 210, 280, 140, 280)
triangle(220, 315, 215, 290, 140, 280)
triangle(225, 320, 220, 300, 140, 280)

fill(1, 1, 0)
translate(30, 70)
triangle(30, 30, 30, 70, 10, 50)
triangle(30, 50, 30, 70, 10, 50)

translate(20, 50)
rotate(-TWO_PI /8)
rect(-10, 110, 70, 90, 2, 1, 400, 400)


Homework: Add Movement to your Robot


my little robot duck

diameter = 400

#drawing style
def setup():
    colorMode(RGB, 1) 
    background(0, 100, 0)
    size(diameter, diameter)
def draw():
    #Flügel schlagen lassen wenn Maus über das Bild geht
    ellipse(100, 120, 90, 90) 
    ellipse(90, 110, 10, 10)
    ellipse(90, 110, 5, 8)
    ellipse(90, 110, 3, 3)
    rect(90, 155, 155, 105, 200, 1, 250, 50)
    triangle(120, 120, 120, 100, 90, 100)
    def draw():
        mousePressed(fill( 0, 1, 0))
        triangle(140, 300, 140, 310, 190, 310) 
        triangle(150, 305, 150, 305, 195, 310)
    fill(1, 1, 0)
    triangle(60, 110, 60, 135, 34, 130)
    triangle(60, 110, 60, 125, 34, 130)

#Flügel position
    translate(50, 120)
    rotate(-TWO_PI /8)
    rect(-10, 110, 70, 90, 2, 1, 400, 400)

After several hours of looking for a solution on Codecademy and Processing I could not get the wing of the duck-robot to move. I guess I need to get into the "active mode" because everytime I try to add movement ( Orders like: mouseX, courser, sin(), def draw) I get errors like "close breakets in line 3" or "def XY".

    def draw():
        mousePressed(fill( 0, 1, 0))
        triangle(140, 300, 140, 310, 190, 310) 
        triangle(150, 305, 150, 305, 195, 310)

With this I tried to get some reaction from the duck by pressing on the canvas. When pressing on the canvas, the feet should be filled with a different color. Did not work. Feet disappeared.