Lehrperson: Dipl.-Ing. Jan M. Sieber
Bewertung: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Termin: Every second t.g.i.friday 1:30 to 4:45 pm
Ort: Maria Ave. 5/7b, e-lab and classroom no.103
First meeting: friday, xx.10.2010, 1.30 pm
Experimental Laboratory course offering the following topics:
- Development and prototyping of electronic hardware controllers and sensor, actuator and signal processing (microcontroller) modules with simple communication abilities.
- Usage of Programming Languages for setting up local and worldwide interactive hardware networks.
- Overview and employment of several Software and Programming Applications such as Arduino, Processing, Fritzing, OpenFrameworks and Bascom.
- Manufactoring small prototype series including self created, etched circuit boards.
none so far
Please send your mail as early as possible directly to Jan Sieber and add some notes about your motivation why you dare to choose this course.
How to get credits?
Concept and realisation of an electronic interactive project, including a documentation of any appropriate kind
Master students in Media Art and Design, MediaArchitecture
- Tom Igoe: Making Things Talk
- Joshua Nobel: Programing Interactivity