Showing below up to 50 results in range #1 to #50.
- (non)living and the lemon battery → GMU:BioArt/(non)living and the lemon battery
- - 19.05.2020 // Presentation: → GMU:Artists Lab IV/Sevgin Basari/19.05.2020 Presentation
- - 25.05.2020 // Task Week 2 - Interactive Art II: → GMU:Artists Lab IV/Sevgin Basari/25.05.2020 Task Week 2 - Interactive Art II
- /Experiment → GMU:Sustaiunable Aesthetics/Experiment
- /Growing Bacteria for my Project → GMU:DIY Bio: doing things with biology/Sirin Unmanee/Growing Bacteria for my Project
- /Jan Georg Glöckner → GMU:DIY Biolab “Driver’s License”/Jan Georg Glöckner
- /Tan/Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max / MSP → /tan/Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max / MSP
- /Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max/MSP → Tan/Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max/MSP
- /Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max / MSP → /Tan/Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max / MSP
- /tan/Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max / MSP → /Ultrasonic Sensor and Communication with Max/MSP
- 1.Woche → GMU:Battle of the Futures/Maximilian Weishäutel/1.Woche
- 1. Aufgabe → GMU:Battle of the Futures/Johanna Groß/1. Aufgabe
- 1. Woche → GMU:Battle of the Futures/Wiebke Jahns/Kindergarten Futures/1. Woche
- 6bdp → GMU:Computing with Thread/6bdp
- ALPENVORWAND – PORTRAIT EINES SAMMLERS → Alpenvorwand – Portrait eines Sammlers
- ARC → ObjC-Memory Management#ARC
- Abbreviations → Terminology
- Abkürzungen → Terminology
- Adriana → GMU:Drawing: the natural-scientific gaze/Adriana
- Adriana Cabrera. -- My Magic Ball 8 → /Projects/Adriana Cabrera. – My Magic Ball 8
- Aktzeichnen ohne Aktmodell → MME:Figuren/Aktzeichnen ohne Aktmodell
- Alex → IFD:Designing For Action/Alex
- Ameisenfarm 1.0 → GMU:Spur, Weg, Vektor/dritte Aufgabe/Ameisenfarm 1.0
- Ana ALenso → Ana Alenso
- Analog Circuits and Interfaces → IFD:Analog Circuits and Interfaces
- Animalation → ME:Animalation
- Anna Lena Ruth Wissmueller → GMU:Max and I, Max and Me/Anna Lena Ruth Wissmueller
- Arduino → Category:Arduino
- Arduino 2 Drum Piece → GMU:My Computer, Max, and I/Kaël Skyhawk Hauptmann/Arduino 2 Drum Piece
- Arduino 3 Drum Piece → GMU:My Computer, Max, and I/Kaël Skyhawk Hauptmann/Arduino 3 Drum Piece
- Arduino 4 Drum Piece → GMU:My Computer, Max, and I/Kaël Skyhawk Hauptmann/Arduino 4 Drum Piece
- Arduino 5 Drum Piece → GMU:My Computer, Max, and I/Kaël Skyhawk Hauptmann/Arduino 5 Drum Piece
- Arduino Links → Arduino/Links
- Assignment → GMU:(In)visible Networks 2016/Assignment
- Assignment 1 → GMU:Artists Lab IV/Daria Dordina/Assignment 1
- Asymmetrical Patterns → GMU:Istanbul/Asymmetrical Patterns
- Atrium → GMU:On Psychogeography and Architecture/Atrium
- Azucena Sánchez → GMU:Human and Nonhuman Performances II/Azucena Sánchez
- Bacteria and symbiotic relationships → GMU:BioArt/Bacteria and symbiotic relationships
- Bastian, Martin → IFD:Designing For Action/Bastian, Martin
- BauhausVorkurs → IFD:GenerativeBauhaus
- Baulücke → GMU:On Psychogeography and Architecture/Baulücke
- Berlin/Accommodation → PDCON:Berlin/Accommodation
- BfA Bachelor Project From Random to Fiction → GMU:BfA Bachelor Project From Random to Fiction
- Bioelectronics, aesthetics and other interesting things → GMU:Bioelectronics, aesthetics and other interesting things
- Bioelectronics and interspecies collaboration → GMU:BioArt/Bioelectronics and interspecies collaboration
- C R Y S T A L I Z E D → ME:Fulldome/C R Y S T A L I Z E D
- CaVis Camera Visuals → GMU:Spur, Weg, Vektor/dritte Aufgabe/CaVis Camera Visuals
- Canvas (Anastasiya) → IFD:InterfaceEntwicklung2011/Canvas (Anastasiya)
- Carlo, Johannes, Sven → IFD:Designing For Action/Carlo, Johannes, Sven