GMU:Connecting Max to the World/Deniz Ekin Polat

From Medien Wiki

Final Project - Android Loop Pedal

After some experiments I decided use my phone as a loop pedal with a max patch. It has 4 different channels being played on a loop other than live guitar sound. It is possible to change different settings such as timing, duration of the loops and speed of the composition through OSC Sound Cool App.

Here is a short demonstration:

//Patch: File:Deniz Ekin Polat_LoopPedal.maxpat

Set up

For the final project I'm working on a patch which would produce algorithmic music and live music at the same time ny using my electric guitar as a sound source and my android phone as a controller.

My plan is to create a setup which looks like this in the end:



17.10.2018 /Introduction to Max and framework File:DenizHomework1.maxpat

24.10.2018 /Interaction between computers/software File:DenizHomework2.maxpat