GMU:I, Organism, and Feedback Loops/Antje Danz

From Medien Wiki

Farewell PP

My relationship with PP

Last semester I started working with the the single cell organism Physarum Polycephalum. I spent a lot of time figuring out how it grows the best. How to feed it. How to "store" it. Right after Christmas or during Christmas 2018 I was at a point where I finally felt comfortable with the organism. The days got longer again and the temperature slowly changed to milder temperatures. Polycephalum started getting even more comfortable and grew and grew. From now on I spent more and more time with changing petri dishes, taking pictures, feeding.

After some time it became that strong and fast that I could see it move with my naked eye and I needed to change the dishes every few hours as it started to climb out of it in to my closet and spread all over my Blurays and such.


In April 2019 I was part of "republic of spirits". An one night only exhibition project for the founding day of the Bauhaus 100 years ago. My setup was experimental and hands on. I wanted to share my passion and knowledge with all the people passing by. So I created a lab like environment with basic stuff you would find normally in a community lab. Easy for everyone to use. I took Polycephalum, Euglena and Pyrocystis fusiformis with me and let people discover it, ask questions and take PP home.