GMU:Space Is The Place/projects

From Medien Wiki

Im Kurs Space is the Place entstehende Projekte:

Hamish John Appleby

I plan to bring attention to the senseless and disgusting way in which animals have been mistreated through space programs globally. The idea is to create a whole series of propaganda that centres around a certain country that plans to send an elephant into space in February 2012 for scientific purposes.'They' want to find out the results of how fast an elephant can blink its eye in real time zero gravity, as well as balance a ball on its trunk and whether the skin from an elephant can retain moisture... These are just some of the really important tests that will be conducted, in order to make scientific and technological advances in science, that in turn - will help humans... I want to create a Wiklipedia page, as well as have a mock protest in Markt platz, put articles in news papers, do drawings and paintings etc etc... People should not be able to tell if it is real or a joke: After-all, it could be really happening - The end result could be a book or small exhibition? - Is anyone interested in joining my project? I would be happy if anyone was... Or will it be just me and the elephant?

Andreas Beyer: The Radiostar

Since more than 100 years humankind uses technology for broardcasting content and for some physics reasons nearly 80% of that signals are just "lost" in space. That means the nearby outer space ( 100 ly orbit) is in a way a kind of radioarchive or a cultural documentation of hunmankinds ability to send signals with several technologies. I'm focused on the frequency band of ultra short wave radio signals. To explain this cosmic-international radioarchive, I want to create a navigationplan to "travel" through that archive. the installation will be a (selfmade) telescopebody (no tech inside) that can be moved in different directions to zoom into a model of that "radiohalo". The room, where the telescope will be placed, is prepaired with some small radiotransmitters (selfmade) to symbolize where some particularly broadcasts are "waving" in outer space. Inside that telescopebody will be some, i think maybe three, radioreceivers to get in contact with the transmitters and by moving that telescopebody the recipient can adjust the programm that sounds in the body of the telescope. (sorry for my bad english)

Kyd Campbell: Dreams: in the direction of the frontier

Articles Tagged with Space is the Place in Kyd's Blog

video maquette (pretend the cow is a pony)
wodden cart for camera tied to the horse

keywords: space, frontier, dreams, dispersion, forward, ahead, distance, pathway, vibration, waves, western, cowboy, horse, self, psychedelia, utopia, horizon, beyond

Moving forwards towards towards a frontier.

I will produce a machine for self video recording and then film a short video metaphor.

The image will include a horse walking alone into the distance. In the image, a large rope, visibly attached to the camera point will lead towards the horse, as he is pulling the camera, filming himself.

I will construct a specialized cart for holding and stabilising the camera and a harness for attaching this cart to a horse. The horse will be instructed to walk in a straight line along a road in the countryside. The cart will be made of wood, well oiled.

The music for the video will be an adaptation of Grace Slick's 1980 solo song Dreams. The voice part of the original song will be written into a score for cello and recorded especially for this video.‎


  1. Stage
    • designing the camera cart
    • training the horse
    • testing video equipment and lighting(outdoor conditions)
    • looking for a shooting location (stright country road)
  2. Stage
    • writing the score for the music (musician)
    • playing and recording the music
  3. Stage
    • testing the cart for speed and stability, modifying
    • recording the video, editing
    • presentation




other awesome links

Anja Erdmann

Yu Fan: Raumreisen & Zeitreisen

Sind Zeitreisen und Raumreisen möglich? oder nur ein Menschheitstraum ....

Ich hoffe, dass Sie mit meine Arbeit irgendwohin gehen können.

"Ich schlafe in Praha , arbeite in Berlin, esse in Beijing, spiele in Paris.... Welt ist nicht so groß. Ich kann irgendwohin gehe, ob es auf dem Mond ist.

Haben Dinosaurier Haar? Warum ist die Maya-Kultur verschwunden? Wer tötete John F. Kennedy? Was ist der öffentlichen verkehr? Möchten Sie die Lösung finden? Fakten sind direkt vor Ihren Augen...

Warten Sie bitte ein Sekunde ... “


File:OP ART1.jpg
Christian Megert, Galerie Köpke, Copenhagen 1961

  • ["Spiegelraum" 1968]

-- " I will build a new room, a room without a beginning and an end in which everything shall live and is summoned to live; which is at the same time quiet and noisy, unmoving unmoving and moving. It is to be high, as high as I want it to be; and low, if i want it low. It can be built as small as the smallest space or as large as a city, a state, or even a thought. The room, which is cheerful, vital, filled with color and movement is, at the same time tranquil and invites reflection without being demanding. It stands colorless and cold, in order to change as swiftly as a thought when I want it ... because it is both real and surreal, constructive and informal and colorful and intellectual and synchronous. It will require no art, because it is art, and the inhabitants of this room will become the greatest artists of our time. Everyone can become an inhabitant of this room. Try to find a room without a beginning and an end, and without limits. If you hold a mirror to a mirror you have a room without an end and limits, a room with unlimited possibilities, a new metaphysical space. ( Christian Megert, Galerie Köpke, Copenhagen 1961)

  • [Zeitreisen]

dafür <videoflash type="youtube">Lr-ms5A9wzE|400|300</videoflash>

Zeitreisen – ein Menschheitstraum

dagegen <videoflash type="youtube">lGFI2ZKVOOo|400|300</videoflash>

Leschs Universum - Sind Zeitreisen möglich?


Idea : Zeittunnel - "Space is The Place"

Um mein Idee besser darzustellen, stelle ich meine Arbeit mit die zwei aus ' Raum ' und ' Zeit ' kommenden Grundstoff her, die 'Spiegel' und 'Internet' sind. Für mich ist Spiegel eine magische Sache. Nach Reflexionsprinzip kann man einen 3D-Raum bauen, ist ohne Anfang und Ende.

'Das Internet ist ein weltweites Netzwerk bestehend aus vielen Rechnernetzwerken, durch das Daten ausgetauscht werden.' ( von wikipedia). Das internet spielt heutzutage eine sehr große und wichtige rolle. Man kann durchs internet alles mögliche machen, freunde kennenlernen..informationen über alles finden...nachrrichten... Alles können Sie hier kriegen. Es gibt sonst nichts auf dieser Welt.
Internetbesucher kann nicht nur die Information über Vergangenheit und Gegenwart finden, sondern auch über den Ausblick in der Zukunft... Zeit, die ein wichtiger Bestandteil der vier-dimensionalen Raum ist, wird durch Internet gut gezeigt.

Mit dem Technik von WII können alle Besucher eine Szene durch Internet auswählen. Die Szene wird gleichzeitig im Spiegelraum gezeigt werden . Darnach wird der Besucher in dem selbe gewählten Zeittunnel oder Raumtunnel stehen...

P.S. Ich stelle Spiegel, Kamera und Monitor am oben, damit der Tunnel verbogen werden kann.


Jamie Ferguson

...almost 95 litres. 25 gallons of it. of water. 'kicked up' during nasa's oct. 9 mission involving the lunar crater ovservation and sensing satellite lcross. water in the forms of ice and vapor. the mission involved two strikes into a permanently shadowed crater near the south pole; first an empty rocket hull ferried to the impact trajectory slammed into the cabeus crater, then a trailing spacecraft recorded the drama live before it also crashed into the same spot four minutes later.

Moon Studies: a natural satellite / how to query the moon?
go into space, send up my own personal rocket, look up from here,

or, look here, on this planet for clues...
-ocean tides
-(moon) rocks
-aerodynamic trees

Desat birds.jpg

By drawing from the vast 'space' of datasets available
I will track and visualize, interpret and make an intervention in the form of a 'passive' probe.
How important does 95 liters of H20 become, and how can this be measured, collected, and made use of?

André Wünscher, Anica Huck, Hannes Wagner, Michael Schlund, Michaela Honauer, Thomas Fritzsche

This is a preview on our online gallery ist online

VOYAGEO consists of projections of satellite pictures on to the human body. These pictures are not about act photography, but about the recognition of earth and the human body. Mankind has a high selfconfidence about itself and its reign on earth but still is not really selfaware. We are trying to produce thus selfconsciousness by showing not the beauty showed in today's media. We want to have a look on the everyday reality of body and earth. We are going to create a Website that acts as "Advent Calendar", so that every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December visitors can discover a picture there. We want to take them on a 24-day-long journey in order to get greater attention for this theme.

Our concept bases upon two topics: The Innovation of Satellite Images & the Construction of the Human Body in the Media.

Our main focus is on the fascination of satellite images. Here are some interesting links to develop:

Wikipedia: Space exploration english, deutsch

Wikipedia: cartography english, deutsch

Wikipedia: orbital photography english, deutsch

The satellite pictures offer a special perspective on the earth: <videoflash type="youtube">hH8UMbzgIAE|340|300</videoflash>

In concern to the photography of Human Bodies we especially dicussed the Individuality of everybody's external appearance. This is related to the individual appearance of the earth on satellite images. People seem to be physically perfect in the modern media. But we know that is mostly manipulated:

Wikipedia: Image Manipulation english, deutsch

<videoflash type="youtube">MFPGa0pKyTg|340|232</videoflash>

So what is physical individuality?

Wikipedia: english, deutsch

Be curious, in a few days you can find more answers & watch new perspectives on!

Henrike Schneider: The Feeling of Infinity ∞

The world of science means numbers, calculations, effects and explanations. The universe is a place to explore. Also here you find mathematics and calculations, time and space. When everything is in order and part of the human knowledge - you get the feeling of "security". The moon is turning with a certain speed around the Earth, the Earth - which has a certain mass and and an age is turning around the sun, which of course has a certain temperature and so on... . But what about things you can not explain? To be more precisely - questions which occur to our mind like: What is behind the universe and where is it all ending? Infinity.

The mainidea of the project is to find an installation, which creates this certain feeling.

O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself king of infinite space... Hamlet

<videoflash type="youtube">ACaNnhujFCA|340|300</videoflash> Homer Simpson + Infinity

Comments by Max: You should check this Exhibition out: James Turrell: The Wolfsburg Project

Martin Ketelhut and Sylvia Rohr: Alieno


The plan is to produce artificial space pictures, photographs and an animated space to explore by using different materials and methods. 360°, telescope and long exposure time photos could melt with photos of surfaces, mist (artificial nebula) a.s.o





Bianka Langnickel: Bookproject: „space is my place“ – aren‘t we all aliens?

for me space is in general is a very undefined place. as i think it encourage everybody to use their whole imagination and creativity i will use this unknown area to create my own place, figures and spacy environments. i am going to make an illustrated book for children which consists of these imaginary protagonists and will lead them to an abstract way of creating their own playground. the book will give them the opportunity to reconstruct the creatures by themselfs and learn how to create their own „aliens“. when the child is interacting with the object playing a part in the story its more easy for them to get a connection between the actual sense of making up something in addition to the creative process. they can use the „aliens“ they build before to make up further stories and play them within their family. so in the end their will be a book which provides a inter-social way of reading, listening, building and a wide range of playing effects on little children as much as on adults. it is „talking“ to different senses and invites everybody to join who loves to see the world and especially the space more open minded and in a creatively way of thinking about „outhere“.

  1. Stage
    • making experiments with the materials related to space and the figures to construct out of this material
    • finding an ideal story
  2. Stage
    • creating all of the figures
    • build sets where the figures act in
  3. Stage
    • testing photographie equipment and lighting, composition etc.
    • final photographie work - taking pictures of the actual sets
  4. Stage
    • postproduction _ retusche - like making the pictures more detailed, contrasted and fix some shadow areas etc.
  5. Stage
    • illustrate the be-creative part
  6. Stage
    • search for a publisher

calculated time for all parts: 1 year

Stefan Bernhardt and Christoph Schreiber

Creating a self-playing instrument

We want to create a self-playing instrument that uses a map of stars for creating soundscapes. The user should be able to change the snippet of the map, draw and edit zodiac signs and start and stop sounds.

When a star is clicked, it makes a noise and a shockwave comes up. It evolves through the space and activates other stars and items on its way which also make sounds and send new shockwaves. So the application doesn't need any user input to go on but the user can take influence on the continuity.

If a zodiac sign gets activated all linked stars will start making tones at the same time.

Two methods: Samples or MIDI

At the moment there are two techniques for realizing this idea:

  1. We render samples of the instruments and embed them in our application. It's easier to develop but very limited in functionality. The application could be distributed via web because no special hard- or software is needed.
  2. We send MIDI events to an external software synthesizer which will create the sounds. This requires a powerful machine and much research but is more powerful in the aspect of flexibility and creativity. The application needs some additional software to be running in the background so it won't be capable to be distributed as out-of-the-box experience.

Have some fun with Flash and MIDI


Finally we finished our research in sending MIDI signals from Flash to other apps. To do so, we developed a little proxy app which sends MIDI signals. At first, Flash sends commands via a networking interface to the proxy app which acts as a server. Afterwards, the proxy app converts this data to MIDI signals which will be passes to a virtual MIDI interface. This interface is connected to our synthesizer. This allows us to control any MIDI-enabled app just as good as you would do it with controller hardware.

For testing purposes we coded a little framework which consists of some small classes and some GUI elements like buttons, sliders and a two-axis-panning field.

Current problems
  1. The whole synthesizer stuff is very very CPU intensive. So we have to optimize it or use a better machine (which is also difficult because of the software licenses).
  2. Sometimes there are big latencies when transfering the controller data from Flash to the synthesizer. Maybe it is also related to the CPU usage of the softsynths. We have to investigate this issue.
New possibility
  1. Because of the networking interface, it is also possible to use multiple computers to control the synths. So the interface can be run through another machine which is also better for performance reasons.

Alex Schumann

Katarina Sengstaken, Timea Tofalvi, Yuxiang Wen, and Shuo Liu: A Faraway Cold Palace (广寒宫)

Installation Concept

A faraway Cold Palace is a room installation featuring sound, lights, leaves, and dust to abstractly simulate the feeling of being on the moon. Our concept of the moon stems from the three Chinese moon myths the story of Chang'e 嫦娥, Wu Gang吴刚 , and the Jade Rabbit 玉兔. These three myths revolve around a mystical laurel tree that grows on the moon. We will use sound to represent the myths, the sound of an axe chopping at the tree to illustrate the story of Wu Gang, a fan flapping for the story of Chang’e, and the sound of a mortar grinding as representation of the Jade rabbit story. As for the tree it’s represented by white bay leaves tied to translucent string attached to mechanical pulleys in the ceiling that will slowly raise and drop the leaves. The room is lit by black lights that run along the base of the walls. The floor is covered with gray dust spotted with craters with constructed dust free walkways, to give the impression of the moons surface.

Our project comes from the recent discovery and search for water on the moon. That raised the question for us, on what life on the moon would be like, and what alien lifeforms would be like. Which brought us to discussing mythology, especially Chinese myths about the moon, and so is our pieces inspiration.

Links to some Artist Websites whose work reflects similar ideas of what our space is going to be like

Links to some Artist Websites who have worked with similar themes

Comment by Max: do you know this japanese manga? It has also rabbit like figures living on the moon. This computer game as well

Daniela Stade: To Fetch The Stars From Heaven

The Idea

We know constellations in heaven, for example the zodiac. The International Atronomical Union(IAU) published a list of 88 constellations. I want to find similar constellations on earth, which are formed by cities.

I am going to find these constellations by pictures of a satellite. Here you can see the Ursa Major (der große Wagen/the big dipper) and the same constellation built by cities on earth.

Maybe I am going to create a new type of starmap, but up to now i am not sure.

Jan Frederik Vogt: Bring Them Back

We took the stars from the sky

  • Stars are used by us. You can find them in logos, distinctions, decorations, jewellery, names, pictures and many other uses.
  • I want to collect them and bring them back to where they belong to.
  • This will show the different meanings and usages of stars in our society.

At the end of the semester I want to exhibit all the pieces I have found by then. I will build a star-spattered sky out of my collection at the ceiling. So the visitors of the exhibition have to climb on a ladder or a chair to have a closer look at it.

Xiaomei Wang

Gedanken meiner Idee

  • Vor ein paar Jahren hat man schon begonnen, die Spiele über das Thema des Weltraums zu designen. Z.B. das sehr bekannte Abendteuer-Spiel Samorost. Es zeigte uns eine interessante Geschichte, die der Weltraum als Hintergrund gestaltet wird.
  • Rund 2008 haben Pyramide(USA-Firma) mit Spaceweb(China-Firma) ein 3D Spiel designt, in dem die Spieler das Shenzhou Raumschiff virtuell kontrollieren könnten. Beispielweise kann man durch mission editor, vehicle editor, control panel editor und AI den Raumschiff spielen, damit man es im Weltraum zu senden.
  • Wenn ein Spiel immer in einer Form durchführt, bzw. nur von puzzle oder nur von Technik, würde es schneller trocken sein. Dann könnten wir in einem kleinen Spiel mit die beiden Formen mischen und realisieren.

Obwohl es schon ähnliche SpaceSpiele gibt, möchte ich noch ein kleines flashspiel machen, über diese sehr begeisterte Richtung. Weil der Weltraum so viele Überaschung und Fantasie hätte, könnte man natürlich schöne Geschichte vorstellen und interessante Inhalte für mein Projekt finden.


  • Spieldesign das ganze Leben des Raumschiffs

Dieses Spiel wird in verschiedenen Nivea gestalten.

Luo Yu: The Virtual Solar System (3D Online-Platform)

The Idea

We live in the solar system and it is our nearest galaxy. I would like to make a simulation for the solar system, the initial idea is to use flash platform with ActionScript programming, I want to design a virtual mini-universe and will make this space into a virtual online exhibition, people will be able to access this place through the network.

I will design a virtual space with the solar system's nine planets, nebulae and all kinds of meteorites analog out. The Visitors can make use of the mouse and keyboard keys such as "up", "down", "left" and "right" in the whole space random wandering. To make the simulation more realistic, I will collect the texture first. Of course I can design a variety of sound effects too, for example: when I click a planet, it will send an interesting sound. Although that is a simulation of the solar system, but I will give this space a particular style, and the website will receive a seemly interfaces-design.


Planets and dwarf planets of the Solar System. Sizes are to scale, but relative distances from the Sun are not.
