Lecturer: Mindaugas Gapševičius
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Thursday 13:30-16:45
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Biolab (Room 202)
First meeting: Thursday, 13 April 2017; 13:30-16:45
Board games are usually designed for people, but could we think of a board game designed to be played between humans and flies or between bacteria and yeast? What about a more complex game involving humans, microorganisms and objects?
The aim of the course is to grasp the environment and interactions of chosen organism(s). While trying to understand biological sensors of living organisms (light, motion, temperature, magnetic fields, nutrients) we will envision and implement strategies for interaction between humans and nonhumans. The course will include analysis of sensorimotor activity of the selected organisms, discourses around similar artworks and discussions on interactivity in a physical environment.
The course will be held in the DIY Biolab of the Media Environments chair. The developed games will be presented during the planned show in the Fall of 2017.
- 13th April / Short introduction to organisms
- 20th April / Short introduction to board games
- 27th April / Slime molds; Jonas
- 4th May / Photosynthetic Organisms (Algae, Cyanobacteria, Euglena); Annika, Mira
- 11th May / Microbial communication; Maike
- 18th May / Gudrun Rauwolf presenting concept of the exhibition in Jena
- 25th May / holiday; wiki update
- 1st June /
- 8th June /
- 15th June /
- 22nd June /
- 29th June / no class;
- 6th July /
- 12th July / preparation for Summaery
- 13th-16th July / Summaery
- Annika Wappelhorst
- Sarah Hermanutz
- Nastaran Sahraei (Nassi)
- Mira Burchardt
- Maike Effenberg
- Valentine Rouillard
Related projects
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BioPong (2006), http://www.yugo.at/processing/archive/index.php?what=biopong, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6HY4-0vZsE
The AI is performed by a cockroach which carries a neon-green pixel on its shoulder. Players can control their sticks but are not able to foresee the movement of the CI (cockroach intelligence)
Wim van Eck
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Ken Rinaldo
Augmented Fish Reality (2003), http://www.kenrinaldo.com/portfolio/augmented-fish-reality/
The Augmented Fish is comprised of 5 rolling robotic fish-bowls, designed to explore interspecies and transpecies communication. In these interactive robotic sculptures, Siamese fighting fish use intelligent hardware and software to move their fish bowls anywhere that they desire.
Ingmar Riedel-Kruse lab at stanford university
Trap it!, http://web.stanford.edu/group/riedel-kruse/publications/CHI517-lee.pdf
Museum visitors could use blue, green or red light to draw patterns on the screen and observe how the Euglena reacted. The microorganisms avoided blue light, so drawing a circle around one of the microbes would trap it, which became the name for one of the scientific mini-games
Euglena soccer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lwU9deF8rw start at 27:05, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdx7BkYSCq4
Players earn points by guiding the Euglena through the goal posts.
adam bartley
Protozoan Pacman, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVxNvWCTbYo\
Collaboration with scientist Professor Erik Andrew Johannessen, https://www.usn.no/news/news-archive/microscopic-pac-man-article194708-26881.html
An experiment using micro scenography and film lighting to film the behaviour of single celled organisms. Feel free to play your own music over the images. And remember, the maze is just 1mm wide!
Stephen Wilson
Protozoa Games (2003-2008), http://userwww.sfsu.edu/swilson/art/protozoagames/protogames10.html
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Mixed Reality Lab (Roger Thomas K C Tan, James K S Teh, Adrian David Cheok)
Metazoa Ludens (2006-), http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o7UIpOy5LA
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Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
Pig Chase (2012), http://www.playingwithpigs.nl/
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Blocksworld repopulated! (2016), http://biogames.eu/
“The BioGame ‘Blocksworld repopulated!’ gives you the opportunity to plunge into a labyrinth populated by microorganisms that you can interact with. Instead of encountering programmed entities in ‘Blocksworld repopulated!’ you are playing with living Euglenas, uni-cellular organisms that are part plants and part animals.”
Maike Effenberg, BIO.MATCH, https://www.uni-weimar.de/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/GMU:Intro_to_BioArt/Maike_Effenberg#Eigene_Arbeiten
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Dimitri Engelhardt, DAMOCLES, https://www.uni-weimar.de/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/GMU:Intro_to_BioArt/Dimitri_Engelhardt#Projekt_-_DAMOCLES
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Smin Kim, Dancing with Daphnia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eRdbNO74Rw , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps3unZodRz8
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Roland van Dierendonck et al
Instructions for Biotic Gaming Device assembly for Euglena, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pQG9h8-nvQ
Verena Vuori, Toys for and by Pigs, https://www.verenavuori.com/blank-5
20 % Theory
50 % Practical implementation of the project
30 % Documentation including 10% of updates in Wiki
Eligible Participants
Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the faculties of Media and Design.