GMU:Artistic research in Experimental Biology/Maria Degand

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Watch it on Youtube

Projekt 1 Bild 1.jpg Projekt 1 Bild 2.jpg Projekt 1 Bild 3.jpg Geyer 2017.png Geyer 2017 imagine.png

Virtual Reality Experiment – or “just” a visualization - some thoughts

“How do you feel with this data”

Find the unseen, something about trash and what happens when we try to wash bodies & clothes

break the hyperobject ( quote Timothy Mortons definition of Hyperobject.) Explain without a simplification or a metaphor.

Can we create with VR a tool for simulation/ experience/ visualization/ illustration for environmental issues?

The new finding, the new study, new paper – try to keep up, live correctly. Nowadays we are enclosed, wrapped and driven by data.

Unity and Blender have "Particle systems" - we also have particles - take these plastic particles, which are unnatural but not unreal, and make them virtual.

References (not sources, but opinions I encounter)

Youtube comments on Wie kommt unser Plastikmüll ins Meer

Related Artists (and why in italics)

They base their work on mass media and consumerism and created something awesome to experience. People where invited to a new environment to rethink issues. They created room for discussion. All this by creating artworks which understood organisms differently than other people do.

As in Antfarm - understand the organism. Create an environment, a place to discuss the issue, and create a mood by putting people in the environment.

  • J. Steensen (VR Artist) Website "Environment based on scientific data. I do not like the experience as a whole, I think there could be more."
  • The team around Flavia Caviezel Times of Waste "Interesting because of the investigating research, workshops and so on."


  • BUND 2018 BUND publications (Both "Einkaufsratgeber Mikroplastik" and "Mikroplastik in Textilien" March 2018 ("shopping advice microplastics" and "Microplastics in textiles/fashion" )
  • Boucher, J. and Friot D. (2017). Primary Microplastics in the Oceans:

A Global Evaluation of Sources. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 43pp.

  • de Souza Machado AA, Kloas W, Zarfl C, Hempel S, Rillig MC. Microplastics as an emerging threat to terrestrial ecosystems. Glob Change Biol. 2018;24:1405–1416. Doi Link
  • "Mikroplastik in Binnengewässern Süd- und Westdeutschlands" (2018)
  • Johnson, B. (2013). Zero Waste Home. [S.I.]: Scribner.

(also look at [1] )

  • R. Geyer, J. R. Jambeck, K. L. Law, Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made. Sci. Adv. 3, e1700782 (2017).
  • Plastik überall Geschichten vom Müll. (2017). [film] Directed by A. Knechtel and N. Teuscher. Deutschland: ZDF.
  • TEDx Talks (2016). Two adults, two kids, zero waste | Bea Johnson | TEDxFoggyBot- tom. [video] Available at: SUmo-40pqA [Accessed 9 Jun. 2018].