Assignment Timeline;

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21.04.2021 Unity example project presentation

File:1st Assignment-Radiancevr proj presentation-Chanitnanth 123205 (2).pdf

06.05.2021 Idea proposal;

Concept1; File:Concept1-filling color.JPG

Concept2( chosen idea ); File:Concept2-platesmashing.JPG

27.05.2021-What I have done so far;

I make photogrammetry of myself and using blender to create a fractured so I can use it in unity inside the deconstruction script



09.06.2021-What I have done so far#2;

after my second consultation, Jörg told me to try shooting objects. So after I make myself a destructive object, I am now trying to use a different approach by creating a plate that has my boyfriend's face on it as a shooting object instead. (when I am angry with him I can just throw this plate, LOL). I used crated as a target but, I could not achieve figure it out with the script I have been facing to make the crated explode as I did on my previous video( my previous video also face a problem with clicking, It still not fix yet!!!).

So here what I tried so far, by combining with these 2 tutorials

>[2] and >[3]

and here is my outcome for my Midterm presentation

I could not upload the video in wiki so here is the vimeo Link;


31.10.2021-To my Final Outcome; After several tried out on my coding experience, there are so many problems that occur in between. Therefore I tried to recreate again and work on my anger room in a more interactive way like a shooting game and the enemy(boyfriend or your angry enemy) can also hurt the player (you) as well. I have been following this Tutorial [4] with some changes as it doesn't work the same through the whole tutorial and here is the outcome


and after trying out its function, I came back to my anger concept again to use the model of that person, using photogrammetry. and then change the bullet with the plate and put some effect into it. So here is the outcome of my final version


and this is a final video presentation

[LINK] ..(it will hand in later as I only finish the game+coding part but not yet with the video presentation)