GMU:Being a Unicellular Organism/Cosmo Niklas Schüppel

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Being a Unicellular Organism

Project research

Cosmo Niklas Schüppel


project idea


“a_common_ground” is a participatory installation, creating a space in which the attendee can connect with the micro-algae Euglena Gracilis, through the shared experience of sonic frequencies. The installation consists of a dimly lit room, where E. Gracilis cells can be seen as projections, magnified through a microscope, as well as in shallow glass bowl, which stand on pedestals, that are spread around the room. Through the room vibrate sonic waves in form of musical drones. The participator is invited to watch their own inner reaction and the reaction of the Euglena to this stimulant.


The installation aims for creating a space for inter-special connection in-between human and E. Gracilis, a connection which would not naturally happen, because humans and microorganisms have fundamentally different ways of experiencing reality. The ways how we perceive the world almost never overlap, even though we share the same space of living. “a_common_ground” does not indent to create a inter-special communication, but instead to create a place, where different forms of being can experience their reality in their natural way. We humans tend to create hierarchies of higher and lesser beings, based on different ways of perceiving, “a_common_ground” gives the room to experience reality as equals.


The technical side should be fairly simple. The installation needs live transmitted video of the organisms and an immersive or stereo sound system. The drone music, monotonic frequencies without melodies or rhythm, will be either mixed live, played from a recording, or will be generated live by an algorithm that takes its information from the movement of the Euglena cells. The magnification of euglena will be projected on natural fabrics, instead of screens or white walls, to give the video a less digital and more natural feeling.




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