GMU:Critical VR Lab II WS21/Jakob Wulfert

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How To Be Not Alone With Yourself

My first time in quarantine and simultaneously having an internet outage for a couple of days left the wish of not being alone in my flat. How can I audibly create a lively surrounding without having the opportunity to invite people or distract myself with an online entertainment system?

File:How To Be Not Alone With Yourself_edit.mp4


  • adding sounds to the environment with an AR App
  • having suiting visual feedback for each sound added
  • record sounds that leave the environment lively

Implementation Unity

  • started a new AR project via the Unity Hub templates
  • added the Image Tracking Script to the Session and the placeable Prefabs
  • added the FMOD Audio Visualizer Script to those Prefabs and linked the FMOD audio events
  • made meter object Prefabs and connected those to the FMOD Audio Visualizer
  • created a Reference Image Library and linked it to the AR Tracked Image Manager
  • added FMOD Studio Listener to AR Camera

Implementation FMOD

  • made 4 Audio events for each audio location
  • spatialized those audio events suiting the flats distances


  • Image Tracking [1]
  • FMOD Audio Visualizer Script [2]

Issues / Outlook

  • adding sound occlusion
  • making the app more userfriendly by adding UI elements
  • possibility to turn sounds on and off

Technical Setup


  • Zoom H5
  • Lewitt LCT 040 MATCH stereo pair (Microphones)
  • Mi­cro­phone Ac­cessor­ies for recording soundscapes


  • Ableton
  • Unity
  • FMod
  • Xcode
  • Visual Studio Code


  • Dev Enabled - AR Foundation Improved Image Tracking - Multiple Objects/Images

  • Scott Game Sounds - FMOD & Unity | Creating An Audio Visualizer / Getting Spectrum Data