GMU:BioArt Forum/Biofims workshop

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Workshop on biofilms with Katja Bühler November 19th 9.30, M7b, Room 204 and November 28th

The workshop is about understanding the role of the smallest living things we know in our global ecosystem. Why are bacteria important? What can they do and what is their importance for us? We want to work this out together, with lectures and practical experiments.

For the practical experiments participants will set photosynthetic microorganisms on Petri dishes and also will prepare a vinegar mother. The participants will be able to take the vinegar home after the workshop and let it mature there.

During the workshop we will also serve the fermented foods.

Katja Bühler is a professor at the TU Dresden. She conducted research (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Institute of Biotechnology II under Prof. Rudolf Müller. Bühler's research focuses on the development of alternative biotechnological reactor concepts based on in vitro and in vivo approaches.

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