IFD:EH2 SoSe23

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Physical Computing II: Energy Harvesting
Instructor: Brian Larson Clark
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Capacity: max. 12 students
Language: English
Location: TBA
First Meeting: 17 April 2023'


Energy harvesting is the process by which ambient energy, derived from external sources, is captured and stored for use. It encompasses a nebulous collection of energy forms including light, fluid motion (wind, water current), temperature gradients, and vibrations. Contemporary concerns concerning climate change have brought increasing attention to cleaner processes of electricity production in commercial applications, but the technical nature of this topic has hindered it’s integration into many artistic and other creative practices.

Combining presentations, discussions on the history of relevant projects, and a series of hands-on technical exercises, this course will shine a different light on energy harvesting and provide a practical context in which to power small-scale artistic projects that can operated indefinitely and independently from the power grid.

Topics include physical computing, interface design, practical components of hardware design, and embedded programming. This is a student-driven course and topics will be determined by the interests/needs of the class.

Admission requirements

For Masters students with a basic knowledge in electronics.

Things you need

  • TBA


Evaluation will be determined by regular class participation, and the completion of a final project.

Eligible participants

Qualified MFA Medienkunst/-gestaltung, MFA Media Art and Design, MSc MediaArchitecture candidates



Course Material

