Cosmo Schüppel

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Meeting the imagined (working title) - a series of exercises to expand the imagined and the physical

'Meeting the imagined' is a series of participatory performative exercises that sets out to test the limits of physical space. An especial focus lays on the relationship between inner and outer perception of space. How do memories effect the experience of the world around us? How are objects charged with memories, feelings, opinions? What happens when memory spaces and physical spaces are layered upon each other? How physical can a memory become?

The series should consist of 4-6 exercises that explore this relationship between the imagined and the so called real. Each exercise should take around 15-40 minutes to complete. The exercises should not build upon each other, but should be in different levels of complexity. All exercises should be performed by participants, guided by the performer. The scores of the exercises shall function as guides to be able to complete the exercises by ones self. But a focus shall lay upon conducting events where the performer guiding the exercises for the participants.

Possible exercises (will probably charge drastically): What happens when we layer an imagined memory-space upon our physical surrounding? How will they influence each other? How can we charge an object with a new meaning? Creating a personal holy-relict? How deep can we fall into a physical object? Can we take a microscopic perspective and dive into invisible details - almost invisible to the naked eye? How far can we expand our awareness in physical space? Can we perceive a whole building? A whole city? A whole continent? How physical can memories become? Can we touch the objects? Speak to the remembered people? What would we ask them? Can we escape the present moment? By recording our voice and listening back to it, can the past take over the now?

Draft for Exercise 1


Inside/Outside, best not too many distractions


25-40 min


The group shall consist of 3 - 15 Participant One performer shall guide the participants Participants shall stand in a circle, two arm length distance, facing the outside The participants shall follow the instruction of the performer After each instruction, the participants shall spend a considerable time in their own mind / in their perception. Their attention shall be recollected through the sounding of a Gong, not to disturb them and to make it easier for the performer to enter a new instruction. The participants shall not speak amongst each other, of not necessary. The participants shall not worry to do the right things, the exercise can hardly be done wrong.


Step 1. (Open eyes and ears) - 7-10 min Participants perceive physical performance space Guided steps to tap into their surroundings (objects, relationships, sound, light, feeling)

Step 2. (Closed eyes and ears) - 7-10 min Participants remember a space (well known, familiar, important) Guided steps to tap into the memory (objects, relationships, sound, light, feeling)

Step 3. (Open eyes and ears) - 10-15 min Participants layer their memory space over the physical space around them physically mapping the objects and referring back to the guided steps (to tap into spaces) If the projected memory has become stable, participants can explore how the two (now united spaces) might be influencing each other When something happens in the physical space, does this trigger other memory spaces? Do arising thoughts and memories influence the perception of the physical reality? Can parallels be perceived? Are the two spaces contradicting each other?

Step 4. - 0-10 min Optional exchange with the other participants and the performer about the


How does our inner world become part of the outer space? How do thoughts and memories influence our perception? How does the space around us influence our memories and thoughts? Can we overcome linear time by re-manifesting past moments? How subjective is memorising and remembering? How influenceable are memories? Can we melt the inside with the outside world?

The project will be developed in combination with the courses:

- Kerstin Ergenzinger: Terra Quotidiana (On Sound Ecology and Awareness Exercises) - Thai tai Pham and others: Do we hear? (On public listening interventions with Soletti - solar powered portable Sound System)