GMU:Diy biolab drivers licence

From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 10:50, 20 January 2024 by Jenny Soggia (talk | contribs)

Credits: 2 SWS

Venue: Marienstraße 5, room 202/204

Lecturer(s): Alessandro Volpato (Mentoring: Prof. Ursula Damm)

First meeting: Oct. 27th 2023

Day 1 Oct. 27th 2023 - 9:15 - 12:30

Day 2 Oct. 27th 2023 - 9:15 - 16:45

The course serves as introduction to the DIY BioLab and its routine.

Main topics will be:

- Safety in the BioLab

- General equipment

- Setting and taking care of cultures

- Drafting and conceiving projects involving biological agents

Documentation of the brain storming session of WiSe 2023

GMU:DIY BioLab Driver's licence - Alessandro Volpato - Example how to set links in the GMU wiki