Mushroom and centipede-like creature

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Revision as of 15:43, 23 February 2024 by Elena (talk | contribs) (fixed image? hopefully)

Using the Fomes fomentarius mushroom, the aim of this project was to make a sculpture showing how the mushroom interacts with nature.


The shape of the mushroom was created by using plastic moulds, filling them with the fungi and letting the mushroom grow inside of them. The mushroom needed a lot of time - and moisture, but in the end the desired shape was created.

Then I created a centipede - inspired creature from clay to add on top of the mushroom and complete the project.

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This sculpture aims to show mushrooms and animals working together in nature, but the natural element is artificial and made from cheap clay.

This work was also presented in our exhibition "Design with Fungi and Slime Molds" during the Winterwerkschau.

Winterwerkschau centipede.jpg
Winterwerkschau centipede 4.jpg