Krittaporn Mahaweerarat

From Medien Wiki


<an interactive cooking performance, in collaboration with Siddhi Khadtare
08.02.2025(sat)-09.02.2025(sun), 12:00-15:00 at Bauhausstr.15
project presented as part of Winterwerkschau 2025 The Plant Plant 
and Onion-dine Investigations (From Ground to Table) 

credit video: 60sekunden

credit photo: Christian Doeller

credit image: Christian Döller

alarm-tam-sang is a playful pun combining alarm, a warning sound or device, with ahan-tam-sang, which refers to customizable à la carte meals in Thai. The project is an experimental cooking session that draws inspiration from incidents where international students inadvertently set off alarms while preparing their meals.

In this setup, a more pleasant alarm sound accompanies the cooking process, taking place in a greenhouse where customers can observe the kitchen activity while waiting to be served. The session also illustrates the repetitive cyclical transformation of matters in the setup as they shift states, consume and being consumed.

the monitor displaying the temperature and humidity sensor's response during the cooking session
CD 08831 raw.jpg
credit image: Christian Döller
CD 08819 raw.jpg
Menu bw copy2.jpg

project sketches
Proper diagram2.jpg
Midterm presentation.jpg
Project sketch.jpgSketch4.jpg
the diagram explains the circulation of elements in the green house possible structures, location and estimated cycle in the cooking session other sketches

seedlings observation diary
Obs1.jpg Obs2.jpg
chia seeds / apple seeds / Goethe plant seeds

since 28.10.2024

14.11.2024, 13:05
  • still alive but growing very slowly
  • watered 1 time over 7 days
  • growing pretty slowly compared to the others'
  • apple seeds get a bit moldy
  • Goethe plant seeds are hard to be seen
  • watered 1-2 times over 10 days
  • should water more and move away from cold window
28.11.2024, 01:53
  • after my 10-day absence
  • dead, leaned on one side since 1-2 days before
  • possibly caused by abrupt change of temperature
  • drop of temperature or heater being turned on all of sudden
  • no water for 10 days
in total the seedlings managed to grow and survived for a month with considerably really little water around once a week.