Lecturer(s): Max Neupert
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Tuesday, 9:15 until 12:30 h
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: 01.01.2010
From August 8th to 14th developers and users of Pure Data will hold their biannual meeting in Weimar. The university and the school of music are hosts. Organizing this event is a effort which involves many different tasks to be coordinated. The Event consists of a conference, workshops, concerts, performances and an exhibition. For each of this parts a student must take responsibility and must lead the planning and execution independently but in coordination with the other parts. Funding, lodging, travel coordination, reception and other tasks need careful preparation.
German description
Konferenzssprache ist Englisch.
Admission requirements
Registration procedure
Please send your application by email with the Subject Meet a digital community: Pd con~ Weimar to: max.neupert (æt) uni-weimar.de
- Name, Surname
- program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
- matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Angabe der geltenden Prüfungsordnung
- Valid email address @uni-weimar.de or @hfm-weimar.de (no other mailing addresses will be accepted)
- Short(!) motivation letter (I'd like to participate because...)
Aktive Teilnahme, Präsentation, künstlerische Prüfung, Dokumentation, Eintrag im Wiki.
Eligible participants
Graduate (Master)-Studierende der Fakultäten Medien, Gestaltung und der Medienarchitektur und der HfM
Termine des Semesters
- 22.10.09
- Link zum Semesterapparat
- Nachname, Vorname: Titel des Buches ISBN 978-0822334972