Weimar/How to get there

From Medien Wiki

How to get there

by Air

Local Airports Erfurt and Leipzig/Halle are low traffic. Frankfurt/Main is a major Airport hub and in equal distance to Weimar then Berlin. If you are planning to take the train from the Airport you should inquire with your travel agent or airline if they offer a Rail to Fly ticket which costs only 25,-€ from any airport to any destination in Germany.


Trains are the standard way to travel in Germany, but it may be expensive if you book last minute. Booking well in advance will save you up to 75%. Deutsche Bahn even offers special deals from other European countries from 39,- but the availability is limited. {{

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Weimar, Germany | service=openlayers | layers=osm-oepnv,osm-mapnik,osmarender | zoom=7 }}


August will be bicycle season and at least two participants will travel by bicycle to weimar. There is a good network of bicycle routes but it takes some planning. {{

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Weimar, Germany | service=openlayers | layers=osm-cyclemap,osm-mapnik,osmarender | zoom=9 }}


Obviously you may also travel by car. {{

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Weimar, Germany | service=openlayers | layers=osm-mapnik,osmarender,bing | zoom=7 }}