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Revision as of 23:44, 5 March 2011 by Petu3224 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Title: SUBSTANCE ENCOUNTERS Project Holder: Natercia Chang Credits: Laura Fong, Sahar Hashim, Ivo Santos, Asami Tesuka Music: "Bafo de Shiva", by Norberto Lobo, Gloria Tang ...")
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Title: SUBSTANCE ENCOUNTERS Project Holder: Natercia Chang Credits: Laura Fong, Sahar Hashim, Ivo Santos, Asami Tesuka Music: "Bafo de Shiva", by Norberto Lobo, Gloria Tang

Concept: Full dome - as a new way of projecting images, films and videos, this format is more than a technical tool to maximize effects and audiovisual, it is also an experiment of narration and visual languages as in film and video art.

Given that the medium is round shape with 360 degrees, the world is the first thing that pops up in the mind. My visualization is very much based on the history of the world, how one civilization started and how one ended. The title of the project "SUBSTANCE ENCOUNTERS" employs a meaning, that one civilization came into contact with another. The people, the culture are like substances, that mixed and influenced one another.