This project is presented by Carlo Enke ● Johannes Lerdon ● Sven Sommerlatte.
Which problem did you identify?
- predominantly using the bookmark-toolbar
- arrange their bookmarks on-the-fly
- propose a relevance ranking
- want a clearly design
Only a few of them use folders and those who do not use bookmarks, close the browser and “Save and Exit”.
Why are current systems unable to solve this problem?
They are unable to solve this problem because they are not as practicable and efficient as they should/could be. Most systems solving special cases but no one is combining current systems to get a real useful 'built-in toolbar'. Another big fail is the design of the current ones - it's not really intuitive and much too interlaced.
What research findings led you to your first concept?
In our reseach we figured out that most users don't use 'advanced' bookmarking (e.g. tags) to increase their workflow. In fact of this, we can say it's quite bad arranged/implemented. So we wanted to merge our ideas of a new toolbar with newly-arranged advance functions.
In 140 characters, what is the essence of your project/solution?
The main focus was to ease the arrangement of bookmarks and an auto-complete-like search through saved bookmarks. In addition to the auto-completion there will be the possibility to rank each page by their relevance to the user.
A bookmark consists of a screenshot of the page, its title, URL, favicon, current date and the relevance to the user - rated by the user. The clou is, most data will automatically be added. Last visit, visits and frequency of use will be updated over time.
How did you ensure that a beginner can use your solution?
The most important thing of our plannings was that we wanted not to implemet any new standards, because these can easily become confusing. Therefore we tried to assume and combine all known systems and automate advanced functions as much as possible.
What makes your solution more useful or efficient than current products?
Our product will not reinvent bookmarking, but combine existing products and optimize them in combination to obtain an easy-to-use toolbar.
(Essential: Sketches and/or Video to illustrate the interaction)
01/02/2011 The live search function has been implemented within the address input field.
19/01/2011 Short demonstration video of how the bookmarks live search is working.
15/12/2010 A video showing the first version of a partly functioning prototype built using HTML, CSS, Javascript (JQuery), PHP and MySQL.
<videoflash type=youtube>f_zAZgPOanI</videoflash>
User tests
How did you test your design?
The function of our design has been tested extensively in our class and in tests with our circle of acquaintances.
What new problems did you identify?
While testing the prototype some of the testers claimed that it would be much easier to have only one textfield. Furthermore the prototype does not have a history function so a switch would be necessary. So the user could choose which database should be searched on keydown.
What did you change following your user tests?
We've merged the live search with the address bar as shown in the third demonstration video.
Mentor Comments
James Kalbach
- In larger projects teams and within organizations, the ability to communicate design clearly and succinctly is very important. The problem definition for this project is unclear and includes many different aspects: bookmark toolbar, relevance, clear design, using folders. I’d like to hear a more focused statement about the issue you’re addressing.
- What type of “research” did you conduct, with how many people, and with whom?
- The essence of your project statement is more than 140 characters. It should just include who, what, where, why, when and how. Perhaps something like: “Our solution intends to help average web users better organize, arrange and re-find bookmarks they’ve created in a local browser.”
- The explanation of the solution is well done. The video in particular is very good and goes a long way in illustrating the intent of your project.
- I would have liked to have heard more about existing solutions for bookmarking and a comparison of their capabilities and shortcomings against your idea.
- The sorting features are good on the folders.
- What happens if there is a very long list of bookmarks in a given folder? Does the menu extend beyond the page fold at the bottom of the browser? What are the limits to the number of bookmarks that can put in a folder?
- Did you consider filtering bookmarks in addition to just sorting them?
- What alternative directions did you explore before arriving at this solution?
User tests
- Please describe more about the tests you conducted, including an indication of the method, users, and findings.
Overall, this is a well-thought-out project that really shows you paid attention to the detail of interaction design and the overall experience.
Excellent work.