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Pure Data Convention 2011

A festival of programmed music and art.

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What is Pure Data?

Pure Data Icon

Pure Data (abbreviated: Pd) is a dataflow programming language. It is inspired by the way early telecommunication switchboards and modules of analogue synthesizers were interconnected by patch cords. Programs written in Pure Data are flowcharts visualizing their function. Musicians and artists are using Pd to perform, create music and artworks. Pure Data is free open source software and developed by University of California, San Diego's Professor Miller Puckette and a global community. It runs on Linux, OS X, Windows and even mobile devices.

What is a Pd-convention?

A Pure Data convention is an event where users and developers meet, discuss and present their research and artworks. It consists of

  • A Conference program where developments are presented,
  • Workshops for in-depth instructions from professionals aimed at interested beginners, ambitioned users and specialists.
  • Concerts and Performances with music made with Pure Data
  • An Exhibition of artworks/installations

Previous conventions have been in Graz (2004), Montréal (2007) and São Paulo (2009). The upcoming convention will be the fourth installment of this venue.


The close collaboration between Bauhaus-University and Music Academy Franz Liszt where computer science, music, media-arts and media-culture meet create the perfect environment for a Pure Data convention. Weimar has a solid tourist infrastructure with accommodation from budget hostels to 5 star. Weimar is a small place which has many venues and places of interest but is small enough not to get lost or to loose much time in transportation from one place to another.


The convention will take place after the summer semester 2011, in August, parallel to the Bauhaus Summer school with which we collaborate for the workshops: 2011-8-8 to 2011-8-14 (ISO).


We have reserved Beds for 100 people at the Youthhostel close to the campus. Please make sure you have registered with us (Form will be available soon) if you don't want to share your Room with other people we recommend you book yourself Weimar/Accommodation as soon as possible.


(Time for all deadlines is 24:00h UTC +2)

  • for Papers and workshops
    • Please send proposals for workshops to max.neupert and björn.lindig, both @uni-weimar.de
    • Deadline for extended abstracts (1 page or 500 words) was April 10
    • Reviewers please read and comment the extended abstracts until April 30th openconf
    • Notification of Acceptance: May 16, 2011
    • Deadline for the full papers: July 11, 2011
  • for Music, performances and artworks
    • Deadline for Music, performances and artworks: Monday June 13, 2011



The 2011 Convention wouldn't be possible without the support of our sponsors


Other Potential partners
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A transparent calculation is filed under Funding

Executing partners

HfM-Logo rw krz.jpg

Production team

  • Max Neupert: initiator
  • Björn Lindig: conference organization
  • Karsten Kleinert: workshops coodinator
  • Hui Yuan: exhibition coordinator
  • Xiaodong Zhang: concerts coordinator
  • Chaoying Wang, Patawat Phamuad: lodging, travel, lunch breaks
  • Marie-Hélène Doré: volunteer

Contact the team: PdCon11@mg.medien.uni-weimar.de





Any help is highly appreciated. Please contact us if you have any ideas how to improve our performance or how to bring forward the whole project. If you have time and/or special skills, you are wellcome to join our team.

If you want to donate to us you can direct your funds to KulturTragWerk e.V., make sure you say Pure Data Convention in the Subject.

  • Account: 3050580
  • BLZ: 82064188
  • IBAN: DE33820641880003050580
  • Bank: VR Bank Weimar
  • Tax-ID: 161/141/02796

Your donation is tax-deductible. If you need a receipt mail to max.neupert@ this domain

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