Physical effects and sensors / actors
List of Sensors and actors, no matter if connectable to the Arduino Board or not - categorized by physical effects. Feel free to add ideas or comments to each section or create a new section.
add moisture: pump
remove moisture: heat, pump, hair dryer
resistance of base material (paper + salt), moisture sensors, resistance of water, capacitive measurement
Sensor: piezo Actor: vibration motor, all kinds of motors, speakers, many mechanical actors
Resistive Sensor, All kinds of electric heating like Toaster,
Audible Toys, Keyboards, Audio players, Generated Audio on Arduino
microphone: dynamic, piezo, capacitive (electrete capsule) actor: speakers, motors,
(Air) pressure
sensor: microphone, bend sensors on flexible surface, vacuum cleaner, fans, balloon pumps, hair drier
Air movement
air speed measurement fan, hair drier,
LED, computer screens, bulbs, photo flashes,
Graphical output / Displays
LED 7 segment display, LCD, TFT, hacked video signal, data projector, overhead projector with changing image, slide projector
Motors, Fans, Servo, Stepper Motor, DC / Brushless Motors, Hard drive Sensors: light barrier, frequency measurement: magnet (reed-contact) rotary encoder, video analysis,
Linear movement - push - pull
Solenoids, Linear motor, Motor with belt or bolt + nut, CD-Rom, toy cars, toy railway, Printers, Scanners
distance sensors: optical, pedometer, acoustic (ultrasonic / audible), hacked optical ps/2 mouse
Position (2D)
radio controlled Toys, displays, object moved by air movement, ...
AM or FM transmitter AM or FM receiver
In the Lab:
- Bunch of Fans (approx. 20 pieces, all similar: 12V, 60x60mm)
- different Small speakers and ear plugs
- 10 W audio Amplifier
- Stepper motors, unipolar and bipolar
- 1 Solenoid 12V
- Small lamps
- 1 TV-Receiver
- IR Light with Brightness sensor
- many small DC-Motors (5 or 12V)
- different cheap cell phones
- Vacuum cleaner
I can bring
Please add your name and stuff you can bring. (choose a nick name if you don't want to have your real name here):
Martin Schied
- Different Toy-Keyboards
- 2 Water pumps (DC, 12V)
- 2 Motors from vacuum cleaner (including fan), 230V DC, but runs pretty fast on 24V
- old CDROM drive
- servo motors (~15)
- DC motors (~15)
- stepper motors without driver (~5)
- super-tiny solar cars (5)
- USB air quality sensor (?)
old Scanner old Printer RC-Car or other RC toys