IFD:PhysicalComp2011/Yue Mao

From Medien Wiki

Color Data tracking


Please look around, you may find something interesting about color. When you looking around in a kindergarten, it might be quite colorful. Children's color are bright and pure. However, as you grow up, the color of your clothes become darker and singler. And this regulation is related to our emotion more or less. Normally, a child live a life happily like the bright color it wearing. When one grow up, the emotion becomes much complex. And he may learns to hide himself with the help of the color. All in all, happiness is our lifetime pursuit. So, why not color our life? Start with the wearing color.

  • Step one

Concept 1.jpg

  • Step two

assign each color value to a single music tone. Then the passersby will get a different experience when. Maybe in the end, I would like to add some text depends on the colors on the screen. Such as, a low tone will be played when the camera meet a dark colored cloth, and at the same time, a sentence to discribe such kind of motion can be showed.


In order to see the effect on averaged colors,I use PS to imitate the procedure calculated by processing.

Role1.jpg Role2.jpg Role3.jpg Role4.jpg Role5.jpg


useful links: http://www.learningprocessing.com/


  • Software: Processing
  • Hardware: camera

Coding1.jpg Coding2.jpg Coding3.jpg


<videoflash type=vimeo>6752514|437|236</videoflash>

Videoflash Syntax